E Numbers

[by 19/02/03]


E-Numbers represent specific food additives, used by the food industry in the manufacture of various food products. These E-Numbers have been formulated by the European Economic Community (EEC) and are universally adopted by the food industry worldwide.

It is known that many E-numbers contain unlisted haram ingredients in them. Generally additives derived from animals and insects.

The E-numbers are categorised as follows:

  • E100-199 food colours

  • E200-299 preservatives

  • E300-399 antioxidants, phosphates, and complexing agents

  • E400-499 thickeners, gelling agents, phosphates, humectants, emulsifiers

  • E500-599 salts and related compounds

  • E600-699 flavour enhancers

  • E700-899 not used for food additives (used for feed additives)

  • E900-999 surface coating agents, gases, sweeteners

  • E1000-1399 miscellaneous additives

  • E1400-1499 starch derivatives

  • Yes, there are few additives which are ALWAYS of animal origin, such as:

  • E120 Cochineal : a red colour obtained from female insects

  • E441 Gelatine : derived from the bones and/ or hides of cattle and/ or pigs

  • E542 Edible Bone Phosphate : an extract from animal bones

  • E904 Shellac : a resin from the lac insect

  • Whilst some additives with a common code such as E47, can be either of animal or plant origin and this latter type needs to be investigated on a case-by-case basis per product/ manufacturer.




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