Munchkin's Dedication Page

This site is dedicated to the City of Underlight and the special dreamers who have brightened the dream of one ordinary little half-faerie dreamseer. I would like to mention only a few here, as to name them all would be nearly impossible.

Valourin, who was Munchi's role model for honor, compassion and teaching from the time a scared little dreamseer first entered the City.

Breyd, "little Munchette", who is coming into her own, and fulfilling the promise Munchi saw in her as a new dreamer.

Liondra, Munchi's first apprentice, and a much better teacher than Munchi could ever hope to be.

Darion, who brought magic and peace into the dream of a lonely and disillusioned faerie princess.

Victrix, who took a young dreamer and showed her the fun places of the dream.

Wraith, who, though he doesn't believe it, always has and always will be a friend, although his diplomacy leaves much to be desired.

Reh'Dak, whose innocence and friendship allows others to have hope again.

The members of Gathering of the Entranced, who have so much potential and can make their house a role model for the dream.

The members of Dreamers of Light, who took a raw new dreamer and shaped her and taught her how to dream.

There are many others, too many to name. You know who you are, and you know how deeply you have affected my dream. I love and thank you all.

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