Australia has many unique animals not found anywhere else in the world, Tasmania also has some animals that are exclusive to this state. The Tasmanian devil is probably the most well known, plus the extinct? or elusive Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) that still today gets reported as being sighted in the denser bush areas of the state.
The Tasmanian Devil and it's closest relative the thought to be extinct Tasmanian Tiger.
The Eastern Quoll (left) and Spotted-tail Quoll (right)
Tasmanian Native Hen & Chicks.
The Shearwater Mutton Bird.
Tasmanian Tree Frog.
To view a magnificent slide show (click next after each image)with animals such as The Eastern Barred Bandicoot, Sugar Glider, Chocolate Wattle Bat, Pygmy Possums, Platypus & Long Nosed Potoroo and more click Here
*All pics & links curtesy of the Tasmanian government site.
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