MrMallard: Biography of an Internet Rando


Heyo, I'm MrMallard. I've been online for about 13 years, and while I've missed some of the bigger fads (YTMND and SomethingAwful, for example), I've been around for a good while. I think my first bonafide online community was Newgrounds, though I was like 11/12 at the time and my posting history is garbage - after the site updated in like 2006, my computer was too crappy to run it (lmao) so I abandoned ship and started bouncing from community to community.

MrMallard as a username got its start at an anime chatroom I used to frequent. It used to have a 5 point warning system for swearing, speaking in ALL CAPS, stuff like that, and once those five points were used up you were banned for the day. I think it was an IP ban that rolled over at the end of the day, but I had dial-up at the time which let me log back in under a different IP or something - so I would make up stupid fake names, go back to the chatroom and not get banned.

Mr. Mallard was a random throwaway name I made up to get back in one day, and it just sort of... stuck. It took a while to get there, though - I was 15 when I first used it as an actual account name. That account turns 8 years old this October, so it's stood the test of time. 

I'm Australian, not from Sydney or anywhere major though. My main hobby is video games, though I get a lot of time in with technology in general - I wouldn't be making a Geocities website if I wasn't a goddamn nerd.

Might as well throw some lists into the mix to pad this page out:

Favorite games:

  • Ridge Racer (PSP)
  • Rayman Legends
  • Borderlands
  • Final Fantasy series:
    • V
    • IX
    • X
    • X-2
    • XIII-2 (because if they were gonna turn XIII into a series, they could have done a worse job than this game)
  • Mass Effect series

Favorite bands/music:

  • The Mountain Goats
  • The Weakerthans
  • Counting Crows
  • David Bowie

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