MrMallard's GeoCities Webpage!

Placeholder Hey there, and welcome to my webpage! This is a place for me to upload stupid memes, write some absolute garbage and hopefully provide an entertaining experience via the medium of GeoCities in the year 2018 and beyond. Placeholder
Table of Contents
 Bio Placeholder
A brief bio about the host, and where the username came from.
Reviews Placeholder
Somewhere for me to talk about games and movies and crap. Probably going to be some nerdy in-depth analysis stuff.


 Placeholder Basically just gonna be blog posts about stuff when I get around to it
 Misc.  Placeholder This will probably be the most creative and fun part of the website, I can only hope. MIDIs, memes, personal pages for people who want them - it's all gonna be here.
 ???  Placeholder Haven't decided if I should put anything else here. Gonna leave it as a placeholder for now
 Guestbook  Placeholder You're goddamn right I'm adding a guestbook