Designer Bio

illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations

Born in 1994 in Schoeneck Pennsylvania, Josiah grew up on a farm with his three siblings. From an early age he began drawing along with his identical twin becuase unlike most kids his age, he did not have a television or video games. Drawing quickly became his passion and he dreamed of pursuing a career as an artist. It wasnt long before Josiah determined that he was in fact colorblind so a career in graphic design seemed like a bit of a stretch. It wasnt until 2017 that Josiah felt inspired by digital artists like Aaron Blaise, that he faced the challenge of graphic design head on.

Today Josiah works in many types of media, ranging from charcoals and pencil work, to logo design and digital illustration. An Associates degree from Durham Technical Community College as well as a BA in Graphic Design with a focus in animation and digital sculpting have helped to shape him into a well rounded artist.

Other passions of his include world travel as well as basketball. His travels have taken him to Madagascar, Tanzania, India, France, the Netherlands, Taiwan as well as The Dominican Republic and various Carribean islands. He hopes to one day climb to the base camp of Mt. Everest as well as reach Antartica!


Josiah P. Moyer

My Work Process


Research and Plan

With any project I first enjoy getting to know my client so that I can give them exactly what they need! Creative brainstorming is always a must!


Design and Develop

The creative process is rarely the same and each project is reworked until all parties are completely happy with the product!



I am here to make your life as simple and painless as possible. I deliver projects on time and on budget!

Who Inspires Me

Norman Rockwell

Painter/ Illustrator

Aaron Blaise


Paul E. Moyer

Grandfather and Creative Inspiration