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Little Saint Therese Book

Chats with God's Little Ones
(Only $10!)

Interpersonal Relations

Greetings and Inspirations

Online cards to send by email.

Each of the following resources provide some or all of their greetings and inspirations for free. I recommend supporting them, according to our means, either by donating or taking out a subscription. By contributing when we can, we can help keep free and nearly-free content on the internet.

1. Catholic Greetings
Choose post-card-style cards for many occasions.

2. Classic Greetings
Select classical music, a classical painting, and a classical poem. Mix and match selections.

3. Franciscan Greetings
Select a picture, background music, and poem. Mix and match selections.

4. Inspirational Flash Movies
Poetry and pictures flash on screen, one verse after another, with accompanying background music. Wide variety of beautiful selections to inspire, encourage, share, or console.

5. Musical Greeting Cards
Choose a picture, a poem, and background music. Mix and match selections. Visiting the website may bring you a pop-up ad, but to me the site is worth the advertising that helps to pay for it.

6. Yahoo! Greeting Cards
Post-card-style cards, some animated, with pre-set background music.
Limited free selections.

The layout is managed by webmaster Paul Myers, using a design from Steve's free web templates.

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