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Interpersonal Relations

Faith, Hope and Love

"Now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity." I Cor. 13, 13.

These same virtures which are so essential to our own spiritual life are also our best helps in parenting.


What can be more important in raising our children than our own Faith? In faith we pray for them. By our faith we set them an example and teach them; that their faith may give them both the eternal goal and an anchor.


Hope fills us with confidence that God will forgive our sins and give us all the graces we need to get to heaven. We must have the same confidence for our children. Through thick and thin, through the toddler years and the teenage years, we must have confidence that our children will find their way in the world and safely to the next world. No matter what, we must not think they are lost nor reject them. As Winston Churchill once said, "Never, never, never, never, never give up."


From the youngest age we need to encourage our children to love God, by helping them to see His blessings and by sharing with them the loving life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Then we can encourage them to serve Him more out of love than out of fear or simply "duty".

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