"Delitię Musicę" texts by Tom Watson and Tim Baugh


    I read some of the reviews and one in particular caught my attention. It is mentioned that the track Delitę Musicę from Hamburger Concerto may be one of Akkermans pastiches. This may well be the case, however if anyone has access to archived lute tablature, or is in a position to visit the British Museum in London then look up the following reference.

    Hove (J.). Delitiae Musicae Cantiones, 1612 (1 out of 6 parts) (lute arrangement of motet).

    I found this reference in The Music Review whilst I was preparing a project on the work of Italian composer Giovanni Gabrielli back in the mid 80’s. I listened to a lot of Renaissance music during my studies and the piece of music on the Focus album always reminded me of Gabriellis style particularly the voicings used. I found this reference in Glasgow University library but I have never followed it up, I know absolutely nothing about who J. Hove is, but if anyone out there can enlighten me about his identity or indeed if this is the origin of Akkermans Delitę Musicę then please speak up!

    Tom Watson


    I have met Jan Akkerman quite a few times and he told me that he has always been a big fan of Julian Bream the world famous English lute player. Whilst recording Focus albums at Mike Vernon's studio Jan became enchanted with the Cotswolds in England which has changed little since the 16th century.

    The strain of touring and flying, which Jan hated, was lifted by his decision to learn to play the lute. He used to sit at the front of the plane on his trips to the USA practising.

    Whilst in London he used to spend time going to old music shops to buy manuscripts of old lute music. On a visit to a shop in London Jan bought a piece of music by a Belgian composer in Antwerp. During the Hamburger sessions he played this music and Thijs played a simple recorder accompaniment.

    Jan says he rarely plays the lute these days as it is impossible to keep in tune.

    Tim Baugh

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