The present number completes the third volume of the Quarterly. When the work was first started, we could then hardly hope that it would ever reach through even a second year. It has, however, still struggled on to the end of the third. It has had its trials, as most papers have; but these, we trust, it is gradually overcoming. We do not yet feel that its success is complete, though its prospects are not gloomy. With the prompt and cordial aid of its friends we believe it could, in less than six months, be placed beyond the fear of failure. We hope we shall not ask brethren in vain to give us this aid.

To the preachers, especially, we make our most earnest appeal. Many of them take the Quarterly, and with not one dissenting voice they speak well of it. To no other class of men can it be so useful. Its thorough discussion of subjects must be especially interesting to them. In this feature the Quarterly is peculiar. No paper in our ranks goes so thoroughly into the investigation of topics of which it treats as does it. This is what the preacher wants. From him, consequently, more than from any one else, do we look for countenance and encouragement. With his active assistance the success of the work is sure. Shall we, brethren, have it this year?

But while we appeal especially to the preachers, we ask the generous aid of all. With twice as large a list of subscribers as we now have, we can sustain the work and realize a handsome sum for the labor we perform. This enlarged list we hope to get. Brethren, gratify us in this matter.

The price of the work will still be $2.50 a year. This we can not reduce till paper and printing decline. Indeed we are not sure that it should be reduced in any event. We believe the work to be worth the sum, and hence have no delicacy in asking it.

To all subscribers I would say, it is safest to send money in checks or in post-office orders. These are especially convenient. But where these can not be had, send the money.

Hereafter the volume will commence and end with the year. The first number, therefore, of Vol. IV. will be issued in January, 1867.

Subscribers need not wait for an agent. Let each be his own agent where one is not convenient, and send on at once his name and money. Brethren, renew your subscriptions immediately. This will enable me to determine how many copies to issue. [448]

[Volume III: October, 1866]

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