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Thanks for stopping by, My name is Leona; before you enter or go any futher however I would like to tell you that this is a RPG. Which is for people whom are, and will be VERY involved in the RPG. The story line is not fully devolpe however the character were placed in the about section; those whom want anyone of those charcter which are not taken must say so on the joining form.

All applications will be applied to; and if you are approve you will be given the link to the main RPG board. ^^ So make sure when you do an example Para that its your best! The reason why I'll be sending the link to the RPG center; is because as we know there are people out there whom like to both annoy and spam! So it's for RPG; better.

Well don't let me keep you here, go a head and looked through what is needed. Make sure you have everything done; ESPECIALLY if you are a original character.

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