About Us
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MOMS Club Intl
MOMS Club® of Westminster, California
A chapter of the International MOMS Club
Current Activities

Weekly Playgroups:
We encourage family socialization, and multiage play. Our playgroups are not age specific, rather we include all members and their children at the weekly playgroups, and seasonal parties.

Weekly Park Days:
Come out and get some fresh air at the park! Sometimes we have a picnic, or a scavenger hunt, other times it's just playin' in the sand.

Craft & Cooking Days:
We have craft days designed with easy, age appropriate activities and crafts for the kids to do- usually they celebrate the current season, as well as pot luck kids cooking days.

Stroller Walks:
Walking for MOMS and the kids - often along the beach, or Central Park in Huntington Beach.

Recipe Swap:
Every week kid friendly recipes are sent out via e-mail.

Book Club:
We choose a book a month and then meet to talk about the book and socialize. Children of all ages are welcome when accompanying mommies to the Book Club.

Field Trips:
At least once a month we plan an outing for the group to enjoy, sometimes it's a Disney Day, other times it's a trip to the local Fire Department. This year we have also made trips to the Zoo, the beach, The Aquarium, Prehistoric Pets, Museums, and for Train rides.

Husband Out Of Town? or Husband Out Working Late? Join other moms to cook and make a dinner all together, or meet at a local restaurant for some adult conversation before getting the kids home to bed.

Family Nights or Days:
About 4 times a year we plan events for the whole family to enjoy. We have gone camping, had Chili Cook Offs, Luau's, Beach Bonfires, Easter Egg hunts, Mardi Gras Parties and Cabin Trips. The events change depending on what the members choose to do.

MOMS Night Out:
Sometimes Mommy needs a time out. This is a night for Mom to come out and enjoy the company of fellow at-home Moms without the kids. As always, nursing infants are welcome.

Date Night:
Every now and again, it's great for moms and dads to socialize with the other moms and dads who are such a part of our children's lives. In the past we've celebrated at October fest, watched a Hockey Game and have even gone to a Comedy Club.

The meeting times and places are published in the Monthly Newsletter available only to members in order to preserve the privacy and safety of MOMS and their children. If you are interested in joining and would like to join us at the park or other outdoor activity, please e-mail us at [email protected] or call (714) 387-3881 for more information.

International MOMS Club , and it's Westminster, CA Chapter,
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