Here you will find anecdotes, stories, and stuff on what it was like to be a garbageman for the mouse.
"My wife used to say, 'But why do you want to build an amusement park? They're so dirty.' I told her that was just the point - mine wouldn't be." "If you keep a place clean, people will respect it, if you let it get dirty, they'll make it get worse"-Walt Disney, An American Original
Custodial, Rules of Engagement: How the department tackles trash. Jobs at MK Custodial: A quick tour of the various jobs within the department. An Average Day at MK Custodial: A brief fourteen points tour of a single day.
Honey Bucket Story: A personal recollection on what it was like to sweep up after the horses. Tom Sawyer's Island: What happens to the refuse after Tom and Huck take out the trash. Pardon Me?: What inquiring guests really want to know.
A Female Perspective: Justinn contributes descriptive and humorous viewpoints about Custodial. Custodial Costume Comedy: Costumes for Custodial are not always what they are "cracked up" to be! Cleaning Mansion Windows: Even ghosts need clean windows!.
About This Page: All the "whys" and "what-fors" presented here. My Bio: Like you really want to know about me. Photos included. Links: Check out some neat places on the web about Walt Disney World.
Disclaimer and Legal Jargin: I am not affiliated or maintained by or officially connected to the Disney Co. in any way. The stories I share are based solely on my own experiences and may not reflect the experiences of other castmembers still working. Any stated opinions are those of mine alone and obviously do not represent those of the Disney Co. All hard factual material stated in this site can be obtained publicly and pose no harm to any trade secrets of Disney Company's attempts to take over the world. This site's sole purpose is to recognize the hard working broom-jockeys in every capacity of the company and of course, your entertainment on a rainy day. Events, names, attractions, and images at this site are trademarks of the DISNEY CO. All stories, anecdotes, and personal photos and ILLUSTRATIONS are property of Mousezilla.
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