Majestic Unicorns And Pegasus

The Artist Is Sue Dawe

Unicorn Found At Web Weaver

These Majestic Creatures,
What are they,
When did they first appear?
Did they ever really exist?
Or were they the figment of
Someone's imagination?
How could anything so beautiful
Come from nothing?
The only thing I know
They have been depicted
In art, and stories for centuries,
I believe God, the Creator Of the heavens and earth created them.
For it is He who gave life
To all that ever did, does or ever will exist.
However, these magnicent creatures,
So innocent and pure,
Could not continue to live,
In our world in their present form.
Now they exist somewhere between
The mist of our imaginations and
A mystical realm we cannot enter,
Or explore, except in our dreams.
May they continue to be there for
Those of us who continue to look
For innocence, purity and beauty in life.
May we forever have our dreams.
The Missouri Country Girl January 2008

Due to copyright infringement issues,
every attempt is made to give credit to the artists whose
work I use on my site. It is, however, extremely difficult
when I find the same graphics and music on many different
sites claiming the work as their own. I will, in that case,
provide links to all places where I have found the art I use
on my site. These links are either where I found these graphics
or have just visited to enjoy the work. These links can be found on
Graphic Links.
Music can be found at Music Links
If I have anything on here that belongs to the artist, and
credit has not been given, either on the
page or on the
links page, please contact me.
Thank You.

The song playing is called Mist and is used by permission from Andy Klapwyk

Pegasus Globe From Perfect Pisces78

I found some Unicorns at Lair 2000 Unicorns, Dragons, Mermaids, Poems

Some Of Sue Dawe's Pegasus Art

Sue Dawe's Artwork
Most Copied Artwork Created By Sue Dawe

All About Unicorns

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