Music Links

Every attempt is made to give credit to the artists whose work I use on my site. It is, however, extremely difficult when I find the same graphics and music on many different sites claiming the work as their own. I will, in that case, provide links to all places where I have found the art and music I use on my site.

These are all sites I have either just visited or found the music you hear on my site. Some I just visit to hear the music, such as Wassam Zedan's song, "Hummingbird", which is so enchanting. Another is Chris Tilton's song, "Beyond", I found at Jens Music and Midi Links. I do not have permission to use these original works so I will not do so until I do. If any of the music on my site is yours and should not be put on a web site, please let me know and I will remove it. I have obtained these midis from the sites I have linked below.

Sweet Peas Fairy Web Design
Dick Andersons Country Guitar
The Lost Lagoon, Original Music by Geoff
Georgia Girl Midis
Granny J's Midis
Grsites Wavs
Heleca's Midis
Music By Margie Harrell
Thomas Distributing Midis
Background Music Midi Files
Laura's Midi Heaven
Kacey's Corner Gospel
Original Works Midi
Rhesa Siregar Original Works
Songs Of Praise
Bruce Deboer
Heartbeats 50's and 60's midis
Lost Lagoon Original Music
Les Gorven
Super Site Stuff Help With Web Site Building
Mathis Magical Heavenly Place
Bob Sorem's Miscellaneous Midi Sequences
My Favorite Waltzes
Old Time Music Midis
Holiday and Christmas Midi Song Files
Sing-A-Long Christmas Caroles
St. Patrick's Midis
A Visit To Ireland
St.Patrick's Day
Folk Music of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and America
Lynn and Gayle Jones Pages
Wild Irish Rose Medley
AAXXXX Midi Index
Tunes For All Seasons
Music By A Gitpicker Song Sequencer
Joe's Original Wave Files
Jen's Music and Midi Links
Wassam Zedan's Music

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