  Watch Committee
Mission Park
Homeowners Association


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Neighborhood Watch Committee
Winner of National Association of Town Watch (NATW)'s 2004 "Rookies of the Year" award. and 2005 All-Star Award.
Charter: Working together to deter and reduce crime within and around the Mission Park Community.
Responsibilities: To proactively take appropriate actions and precautions necessary to reduce the likelihood of a crime from occurring in the Mission Park community.  To promptly report any suspicious activities in and around the Mission Park community.  To promptly report any crimes that had occurred in the Mission Park community.
Announcement: Neighborhood Watch Committee is seeking volunteers for the following activities:
  a) Block Captains
  b) Graffiti and Litter Cleanup Team
  c) Regular walkthrough inspection (looking and reporting for graffiti and street light outage).
  d) Contact City or companies to request donations (e.g., paint, graffiti remover products, funding).
  e) Inform the Neighborhood Watch Committee of all vehicle break-ins, vandalisms, graffiti within Mission Park.
Crime Prevention - Do's and Don'ts
1. Do keep your eyes and ears out for suspicious activities:
         - Slow moving car down your street
         - Strangers going door-to-door or try going into the backyard
         - Person looking into car and house windows
         - Person(s) sitting in a parked car
         - Unfamiliar people loitering around
         - Van/large trucks at an unoccupied house
         - Missing mail
         - Yelling, dog barking, glass breaking, alarm sound
         - Report all suspcious activities to the Santa Clara Police Department (408 615-5580 or 911)
2. Prior to leaving your home:
     - Do lock all doors and windows
     - Do activate burglary alarm system
     - Do set timers to automatically turn on lights and radio in your house.
     - Do notify your neighbors and ask them to keep an eye on your home during any extended absence.
     - Do stop delivery of mail and newspaper during any extended absence.
     - Do set timers to automatically turn on lighting and radio with your home.
3. Do not leave items (such as backpacks, gym bags, brief case, gifts, etc.) which may appear to have value in your car in public view.
4. Minimize identify theft:
      - Do consider subscribing to a P.O. Box
      - Do consider using your P.O. Box address (or work address) in your Driver's License, Registration and Insurance.
      - Do use lockable mailbox if you live in a non-motorcourt home.
      - Do use a separate credit card when purchasing item online. Credit cards offer a higher level of consumer protection than Debit cards.
      - Do shred all documents (e.g., financial statements, tax forms) containing your personal information..
      - Do utilize password protection features for your laptop, PDA, cellular phones.
      - Do not keep any items containing your personal informatoin in your vehicle.
      - Do not keep your Social Security Card or SSN Number in your wallet.
      - Do not share your account number and/or password with anyone.
5. Do not allow anyone into the Pool/Spa, BBQ and Clubhouse facilities.  Doing so encourages trespassers into our community.
6. Do get involved in the community.  Join one of the Mission Park HOA
7. Do stay informed by subscribing to the
Mission Park HOA newsgroup
8. Do consider installing security cameras
Committee Members
Edward Karl (Leader), Karen Louie, Theresa Dao - Alcalde Street
Lily Louie - Lenox Place
Elvin Rivera,
Rajnesh Avtar - Cheeney Street
Block Captains
Lakeshore - Kim Vogel
Street Clean-Up Campaign
5/23/04 - Wanda Wolodkowicz, Mallick Arigapudi, Karen Louie, Edward Karl
6/27/04 - Wanda Wolodkowicz, Lily Louie, Juan Cruz, Rajeshri Avtar, Ruchi Avtar, Richa Avtar, John Liu, Sophia Liu, Karen Louie, Edward Karl
8/01/04 - Wanda Wolodkowicz, Mallick Arigapudi, John Liu, Sophia Liu, Karen Louie, Edward Karl
9/26/04 - Rajnesh Avtar, Rupa Avtar, Ruchi Avtar, Richa Avtar, Lily Louie and Juan Cruz

Photos of the Street Clean-up Campaign)
Crime Reporting
How to report an incident if you have been a victim or know of an incident?
1. Call 911 from your home phone or 408 615-5580 from your cell phone. DON'T TRY TO APPREHEND THE CRIMINAL YOURSELF.
2. Email the
MPHOA newsgroup to let the community know so neighbors can be on alert.
            - Be specific on date, time, street, and details of the crime, if possible
3. Inform your neighbors, other Mission Park residents, or Block Captain of the incident.
4. If you elect to confront suspicious persons, please take the following precautions:
    a. Have more person(s) accompany you.  Where possible, you and your friends should outnumber the "suspicious persons". 
    b. Have a cell phone with you and be ready to call the police should the suspicious person(s) become uncooperative.
    c. Don't let them see which house you are coming from. 
    d. Once you finish your conversation with them, wait until they have left before returning home.  Take a long way home making sure that
        you are not being followed.
    e. When you contact the suspicious person(s), let them know that you represent the homeowner associations, and let them know that you
       would be forced to notify the police if they don't identify themselves as having business in the area.
    f. You may not want to approach in your personal vehicle as the suspicious persons may record your license plate information.
    g. When contacting the suspicious person(s), maintain a safe distance from them and always leave yourself an escape route. 
    h. Lastly, do not engage in physical confrontation with the suspicious person(s).   It's not worth it... Remember "Safety First".
Mission Park Crime Watch Statistics
Purpose: To track crime statistics within the Mission Park Community so that homeowners could be more viligent in monitoring and reporting any suspcicious activities around those areas when and where crimes are occurring more frequently.
Note: Line item(s) in red signify new graffiti yet to be removed/cleaned.
Crime Type                               Date                  Location                                       Status                                           
Graffiti                                     10/17/03              Fuller Park                                     Reported to SCPD, City cleaned on 10/18/03
Theft from vehicle                     10/21/03 wk        Fuller & Esperanca                          Books/CD player taken from unlocked car
Theft from vehicle/ID theft         12/17/03             Alcalde & Fuller                              Reported to SCPD, Wallet taken
Home Burglary                           1/2004                Lass                                              Reported to SCPD
Graffiti                                      1/2004               Cheeney & Lenox                            Silicon Valley Power cleaned on 1/13/04          
1, 2                                1/2004               Wilcox & Gianera                           Cleaned on 1/18/04
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7             1/2004               Wilcox & Esperanca                        Cleaned on 1/18/04
1, 2, 3, 4                        1/2004                Lenox and Duvall                            Cleaned and sign removed for repair on 1/18/04
1, 2                                1/2004               Alcalde & Fuller                              Cleaned on 1/18/04
1, 2, 3, 4                        1/2004               Wilcox & Duvall                              Cleaned on 1/18/04
1                                   1/2004               Gianera & Cheeney                          Cleaned on 1/19/04
1                                   1/2004               Silicon Valley Pwr Substation Wall     Silicon Valley Power cleaned on 2/5/04
1                                   1/18/04              Lenox & Cheeney                            Cleaned on 1/19/04
1, 2, 3, 4                        1/19/04              Fuller Park                                      Reported to the City & cleaned on 1/20/04
1, 2                               1/19/04               Esperanca & Cheeney                      Reported to Silicon Valley Pwr & cleaned on 1/22/04
1, 2, 3, 4                       1/19/04               Esperanca & Wilcox                        Cleaned on 1/25/04
1, 2                               1/19/04               Wilcox & Duvall                              Cleaned on 1/25/04
1, 2                               1/19/04               Wilcox & Gianera                            Cleaned on 1/25/04
1                                   1/20/04               Esperanca & Wilcox                        Cleaned on 1/25/04
1, 2                               1/27/04               Wilcox & Esperanca                        Cleaned on 2/1/04
1, 2                               1/27/04               Wilcox & Duvall                              Cleaned on 2/1/04
Home Burglary                           2/2004                Lenox                                             Reported to police
Vandalism                                  2/2/04                Wilcox & Duvall                              Photo taken 2/2/04
1                                   2/8/04               Wilcox and Gianera                           Silicon Valley Power cleaned on 2/10/04
Vandalism/Egging                       2/11/04              Alcalde & Lass                                 Reported to MP Neighborhood Watch
Vandalism/Egging                       2/11/04              Alcalde & Cheeney                            Reported to police
Vandalism/Egging                       2/13/04              Alcalde & Cheeney                           Reported to police
Vandalism/Egging                       2/14/04              Wilcox & Experanca                         Reported to MP Neighborhood Watch
1, 2, 3, 4                        2/15/04              Wilcox & Duvall                               Cleaned on 2/16/04
1, 2, 3, 4                        2/15/04              Wilcox & Gianera                             Cleaned on 2/16/04
Suspicious Person                       3/5/04               Cheeney & Alcalde                            Reported to police
Abandoned Stolen Vehicle            3/10/04              Cheeney & Alcalde                            Reported to police
Trespassing                               3/16/04               Community Pool                               Reported to Newsgroup
Suspicious Car Fire                    3/16/04                Alcalde & Lakeshore                        Reported to Newsgroup
Graffiti                                      3/18/04               Silicon Valley Power Substation         Silicon Valley Power cleaned on 3/31/04
1, 2                               3/18/04                Wilcox & Gianera                            Cleaned 03/21/04
1, 2, 3, 4, 5                    4/2/04                  Wilcox & Gianera                            Cleaned on 4/8/04
Attempted Home Burglary           4/2/04                   Lenox                                            Police contacted
Graffiti 1                                   4/4/04                  Fuller Park                                      Cleaned by Parks & Rec Dept, Reported to police
1                                   4/7/04                  Wilcox & Duvall                              Cleaned on 4/11/04
1, 2, 3, 4                       4/16/04                 Wilcox & Gianera                             Cleaned on 4/16/04
1, 2, 3                           4/16/04                 Wilcox & Duvall                              Cleaned on 4/16/04
Theft from vehicle                     4/21/04                 Esperanca & Cheeney                       Reported to police
Vandalism/Egging                      4/22/04                 Alcalde                                            Cleaned on 4/22/04
1, 2, 3, 4                        5/2/04                  Wilcox & Espranca                           Cleaned on 5/9/04
1                                   5/2/04                   Wilcox & Duvall                               Cleaned on 5/9/04
1, 2                               5/6/04                   Wilcox & Esperanca                          Cleaned on 5/9/04
1                                   5/8/04                   Gianera & Wilcox                             Cleaned on 5/9/04
1                                   5/8/04                   Cheeney & Lenox                             Cleaned on 5/9/04
Stolen Vehicle (94 Acura)           6/18/04                  Lenox Place and Gianera                    Report filed with Santa Clara Police
Stolen Vehicle                           6/11/04 12 am         Wilcox/Duvall                                  Witnessed by homeowner/SCPD apprehended.
Prowler                                    6/20/04 12:15 am    Duvall                                              Reported to Santa Clara Police (apprehended)
Trespassing                              6/20/04 3:30 am      Mision Park Pool/Spa                         Reported to Santa Clara Police (escorted out)
Vandalism/Car Keying                7/3/04                    Cheeney and Alcalde                          Reported to police
1                                  7/7/04                    Wilcox and Duvall                             Cleaned by SV Power 7/16/04
1                                  7/7/04                    Wilcox and Gianera                           Cleaned by SV Power 7/16/04
1, 2, 3, 4, 5                   7/19/04                   Wilcox and Gianera                           Cleaned by SV Power 7/30/04
1                                  7/19/04                   Wilcox and Duvall                             Cleaned by SV Power 7/30/04
Graffiti 1                                  7/19/04                   Wilcox and Duvall                             Cleaned on 8/1/04
1, 2                              8/10/04                   Wilcox and Esperanca                       Cleaned on 8/15/04
Vandalism to bulletin board         8/22/04                   Cheeney and Alcalde                          Reported to MP Neighborhood Watch
Vandalism (broken window)       8/24/04                   Esperanca and Fuller                         Reported to Santa Clara Police
1                                  9/7/04                     Cheeney and Lenox                           Cleaned on 10/17/04
1, 2, 3, 4                       9/7/04                     Wilcox and Duvall                             Cleaned by SV Power
1, 2, 3                           9/7/04                     Wilcox and Gianera                           Cleaned by SV Power
Mailbox Thefts                          10/13/04                  Alcalde                                            Reported to newsgroup
1                                  10/2004                   Alcalde and Cheeney                          Cleaned on 10/17/04
1, 2                              10/2004                    Wilcox and Gianera                           Cleaned on 10/17/04
1, 2                              10/2004                    Wilcox and Duvall                             Cleaned on 10/17/04
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6               10/2004                    Wilcox and Esperanca                        Cleaned on 10/17/04
1                                  10/19/04                    Wilcox and Gianera                           Cleaned on 10/21/04
1, 2, 3                           11/6/04                     Wilcox and Esperanca                       Cleaned
1, 2                               11/6/04                     Wilcox and Duvall                            Cleaned
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7            11/6/04                     Wilcox and Gianera                           Cleaned
Home Burglary                          08/01/05                   Cheeney at Lenox                              Police notified
Trespassing                              12/25/05, 3 am          2210, 2230, 2311  Esperanca              Police notified. Two teenagers hoping over fences
                                                                                                                                      into backyard of homes. One was black male, 
                                                                                                                                      medium build, with many braids about 4" long
                                                                                                                                      sticking out in all directions. Childish and when
                                                                                                                                      confronted by homeowner acted as if it was a big
                                                                                                                                       joke.  Second was hispanic male, very short dark
                                                                                                                                       brown hair, medium build. They did not mind
                                                                                                                                       security lights and hopped over locked gates.
Related Links:
Santa Clara Police Dept Contact Phone Numbers
City of Santa Clara's Anti-Graffiti Website
National Sheriff's Association Neighborhood Watch Program
Columbus Ohio's FAQs about Graffiti
Page last updated 03/17/06
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