Knowing my family

Meet my Family!


Dr. Bashary A. Latiph:
My father is a physician. He helps alot of people and always takes care of his family. He is an inspiration to me. He toldus that when he was a child he would go up mountains and gather wood for some reason. He would also be on sidewalks trying to sell some thing to gather money. And to get to their school, he'd have to travel a long distance to get their. He would also help his mother on alot of things and also his siblings. He would spend some free time with his family and learning from his father about other thnigs. He loves both his family dearly and would do anything to protect us from harm. He's an inspiration, a father, a loving husband, a Muslim, a friend, a kind foe, a great physician, and a good debater too. He always talks about politics and how things are managed in life. He would also complain about something and would act so that it somehow could be fixed. Father:

Dra. Sohaira L. Latiph:
My mother is also a physician. She is more busier than my dad, to be honest. She would always wake up in the middle of the night to a phone call telling her she had patient waiting for her, despite being tired, of course, she wouldn't hesitate to get up and go to work. Sometimes, she comes home tired. But she would never leave her family left out. It's not like, all the time she's busy. When she has free time, she would be either surfing the internet, doing some chores, sleeping, or just with us kids. She always gets mad at things and in my perspective, I got my anger issues from her. She would yell but she wouldn't mean it, she just don't know her own tone. She gets really mad at us when we don't clean up our room or something. She is also very strict about our school, studies, and grades. Mother:



