
Song Playing is
"Lean On Me"

Learning Forgiveness
In Christ Be:
Washed Clean, Made Pure & Living *HOLY*

We often times think of the word "Forgiveness" as Forgiving Someone else for something that they have done to us. We don't place the word with Forgiving Ourselves for things we have done in the past, to Ourselves or Someone Else, that are keeping us from striving and excelling and moving ahead, being all that we can be in our lives.

To me, the saying: "You made your bed, now you have to lay in it" is NOT true, "for Christian people" who are striving to live their life for God. It is a "Carnal Earthly Minded" thing to say and believe. We do not have to stay in anything we may of created or done. We DO have to take responsibility for our doings, but we CAN change anything we put our minds to and that we want to change about ourselves, with God's help.


John 1 1:9- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Forgiving Ourselves is very important in our growth and for our future. Just "point blank" for our well being and health.

Forgiving Ourselves:

God wants us to Forgive not only others but also OURSELVES. He is not holding onto our past, and God wants us to make the most of our lives here "being happy" and excelling in whats ahead of us for the future. When we live in our past, we go no-where..we spin in circles so to speak.
Sometimes, writing down things that we are dwelling on, and what we are unhappy with ourselves for is good. Some people can just simple say, outloud or to themselves, what it is that is weighing us down and keeping us angry at ourselves. What it is that we are holding onto and dwelling on. God does not want us to be carrying these kinds of things around in our hearts and/or minds. Make a new start!

Forgiveness (OURSELVES and OTHERS) is it important in healing?

YES, It is one of the most important things in healing, moving forward, excelling, and striving for whats ahead and not what is behind us.

When we let go of things that are eating away at us, as humans, we begin to see that there is a light at the end of even the darkest, blackest tunnel. We DO have purpose and will here. Of course, you have to be willing to do some soul searching, praying, and looking up to the Lord to see just what it is you are to be doing as YOUR will here on earth. I am SURE each of us has a special place and job here on earth. When we take the time to find out what it is we are to be doing and learn how to live a full and happy life {we are much better} on the inside and out. Just altogether, we are a much better person.

Its not going to be easy, and it does not matter what it is you are carrying around. No matter what it is, it can be let go of. You can make a wonderful life for yourself in the future and years to come.

I prayed and prayed some more. I asked God for help in healing and in forgiving.
I KNOW that JESUS Bore Our Sin(s) & Iniquities.

To forgive, myself and others, I first had to allow myself to face the truth head on, meaning the whole truth about whatever it was that was making me stay stuck in one spot. What the thing(s) were, that I was dwelling on, that were causing me to be angry and bitter with myself and all of the emotions that come along with staying in this unhealthy place in my life. If you do not allow the picture to be fully drawn, and you do not allow yourself to open all of the wounds and anger in your heart; you will not do the best that you can, in the area of Forgiving yourself. Let it out, and then let it GO...
God KNOWS when TRUE Repentence has taken place, and he WILL Forgive.

GUILT- There are two kinds. Make sure that after you have went to Jesus, Repented, and Asked for Forgiveness, you don't carry the "Wrong" kind of guilt. You are Washed CLEAN. Don't let "UnGodly GUILT come back! UNGodly meaning, those thoughts that we have that say-WE ARE NOT FORGIVEN, Were No Good, We don't have Meaning and Purpose here.
WE ARE FORGIVEN. No matter how we feel. Jesus took all of our Iniquities and Bore Our Sin(s). They are Cast into the Sea, NEVER found again by JESUS. Cast Down ANY GUILT that Occurs,
Once You have been "Washed Clean" By Jesus.

We are by NO means *EVER* going to be perfect. Remember, God knows this, and he does not expect us to be. Don't expect yourself to be. When we make mistakes, they should be a learning expierence and let go of, NOT dwelled upon. Why do this to ourselves? This is not what God is doing and what we as humans should not be doing to ourselves. We are responsible for our actions and words, but when we learn from past mistakes, repent of our wrong doings, and prevent ourselves from making the same mistake and wrong doings again "that is a BIG step" God knows we are making the change to a better person and not repeating the same things again. We all need to grow, thrive, and move ahead. We need to make the most out of our lives here.

Life is all about happiness and not about being angry or bitter at ourselves or anyone else. We can take a bad situation and make it work out for the best through Prayers, Love, and Truths. Always Remember:

~ God is not dwelling on our past, and the bad things about us, so why should we?? ~

~ Dont Say You Can't Forgive Yourself
Instead Say, I Can And I Will Forgive Myself ~

~ It's Not That We Can't Forgive Ourselves,
It's Us Allowing and Making Forgiveness Happen ~

~ Let's Open Our Eyes, See what Our Life Has in Store!
~ Run the Race & "Reach out for the Prize":)~

Philippians 3:12,13,14- Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

I hope and pray this page will help you and help you to understand that it is so Important to not only Forgive someone else but one of the most Important Issues in this Life on Earth- is to be able to "Forgive Yourself". Often times, I think, these 2 areas go hand in hand.
Forgive Someone else and then Forgive Yourself "or" Forgive Yourself and then Forgive Someone else. Forgiving Someone Else may work even better, if you have already Forgave Yourself for unpleasant things in your own life. Everyone is different, so you decide what the best way for you is. God will let you know.

This page was written by me in hopes that it will help someone in their life to Grow, Be Happy, Thrive to do Well, -Most Importantly- Have a Wonderful Future, being all that your life can be:)
I tried to keep this simple and easy to understand. If there is anything you would like to talk about, please email me. I will be back with you as soon as possible. Thank you.
(Certified Christian Lay Counselor since 2002)

The classes I have had are: designed to educate and equip a community of helpers within the church to offer careful, Biblical encouragement, direction, hope and personal growth to hurting people in a hurting world.

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Please visit Welcome to my Christian Home Welcome to my Christian Home
Please visit A Prayer For You A Prayer For You
Please visit Our Beliefs Our Beliefs
Please visit Forgiving Someone Else Forgiving Someone Else
Please visit Forgiveness Prayer Forgiveness Prayer
Please visit Salvation Prayer If you have not already, Will you accept Jesus into your life?
Please visit Holy Spirit Prayer Prayer to receive the Holy Spirit
Please visit Healing Prayer Prayer to receive Health and Healing
Please visit Is God Faithful?/Overcome Trials and Storms
Please visit Power of Prayer Prayers Are Powerful
Please visit God Is Bible Versus
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Please visit My Christian Walk My Personal Christian Walk
Please visit Grief Steps(Healing Process) Grief Steps
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All content � 1998- 99 by Mike's Piece Of Heaven.
* Page Created August 25, 2001 *

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Graphic From Collection of Artist Danny Hahlbohm
Graphic used on this set is � by the Artist Danny Hahlbohm.
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Artist Danny Hahlbohm.
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