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Amateur Scientists And Common Teasers

By Arjun Prasad

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The fly's foot is a suction cup that is slightly hollow and moist. Pushed against a flat surface. The foot squeezes out air. Moisture seals the foot edge, while the vaccum holds the foot tightly to the cieling.

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Q . Why does haircut not hurt ?
Ans . All our senses are controlled by our nerves , which carry messages to the brain . Therefore , wherever there are nerves in our body we can feel the pain in case that part gets cut or hurt. The nerves makes us aware of the pain by sending messages to our brain . However, our hair does not contain nerves and thus there is no sense of pain when they are cut .

Q . Why do Snake shed their skins ?
Ans . Not all NATURALIST agree on this, but most think that the reason snakes shed their skins several times a year is that as the snake gradually grows, the outer skin too tight . Eventually it comes off like a husk or shell, allowing the new skin underneath to emerge .

Q . What colour is an insect's blood ?
Ans . The insects blood is either colourless or faint green or yellow .if you have managed to kill a insect and you see red blood , you can be sure that red has come from the blood of some animal or human bieng animal has bitten .

Q . Why does hair turn grey ?
Ans . The colour of our hair depends on the amount of pigment in it . Dark hair contains more of it than fair hair .This colouring matter is produced in our bodies and is controlled by our nervous system . If anything goes wrong with this control throgh illness but more often by wearing out in old age, then the hair turns grey or white .

Q . How can Cricket tell you the Tempreture ?
Ans . Crickets make a distinctive 'creak creak'sound produced by rubbing the scrapers on the left wing against afile on the right . Like most other insects, the warmer the tempreture, the more active they become. Thier song in its intensity ,acts like a tempreture indicatior .
Iam the cheapest Temperature indicator . Great huh !

Q . How do insects breath?
Ans . Insects do not have lungs like us. Instead they have a tube system known as trachea , which runs all over the insects body carrying air . The air is carried to the body when the movement of the insect's muscles pumps it there through opening in the Insect's skin.
Gosh I need a special type of oxygen mask

Q . why do our finger form wrinkles when they are soaked in water for long time?
Ans . Our bodies are made up of billions of tiny things called cell . These cells absorb water when they are wet . The skin on our hands and feet is thicker than on other parts . Therefore it has more cells and soak more water . When our fingers remain in water for long time , the skin becomes spongy and expands but the fingernail stops the skin from expanding in that direction as a result, the skin folds and forms wrinkles at the fingertip .

Q . Why do mosquito buzz louder as the temperature goes up ?
Ans . The buzzing of a mosquito is a noise made by the rapid vibration of its wings which beat at 250 to 600 strokes a second . A mosquito achieves this rapid wingbeat by activating special muscles in its midsection which automatically contract and relax at incredible speed . The warmer the environment, the more active the mosquito become . As the temperature goes up, the wing vibration, along with other body activities, is stepped up the buzzing becomes louder .

It's hotter here Guys

Q . If a bird gets wet, it becomes dry very soon. Why ?
Ans . When a bird gets wet, it shakes itself vigorously to get rid of the water on the surface of it's body . Besides, you must have often seen birds preening themselves . At the back of the body near the tail are oil glands. While preening, the bird nibbles at these glands and spread their secretion over the feathers. This oil makes the bird's plumage waterproof .

Wow my Expenses have just become lower


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