Amateur Scientists And Common Teasers

Enlisted teasers in A.S.C.T

Q . How do we get photos from negatives ?
Q . Why do we use two sails in a sail boat?
Q . Why does an iron ball sink but not an iron ship?
Q . How does thermos flask keep a hot drink hot and a cold one cold?
Q . Why does the heart beat faster ?
Q . How Does Artificial gravity Work?
Q . Why does the gun recoils?
Q . How does a blanket that keeps us warm in winter also keep ice from melting ?
Q . How Do we Walk?
Q . How can Jet Aeroplane move ?
Q . How does compass point at north - south Direction ?
Q . Why in some planes we hear the sound of the plane after we see it ?
Q . Why don't submarine sink when they move under water ?
Q . Why do we feel warm when we run or exercise ?
Q . What makes a parachute land slowly?
Q .How do the parrots speak like us?
Q .Some plants shed thier all the leaves.How can they prepare food without leaves?
Q . How do some insects walk on water?
Q . How does woodpecker feed himself on the insect's living inside the tree ?
Q . Why do flamingos have bent beaks ?
Q . If we drink glucose we feel refreshed. Why is it so?
Q . How can our nail and hair grow although they are non-living?
Q . Why is it that some animal's eyes twinkle in the night?
Q . How fast can a bird fly ?
Q . How do we speak ?
Q . Why do we sweat ?
Q . How do we catch cold?
Q . Why are cats able to see in dark ?
Q . Why does animal show reactions before an Earthquake?
Q . Why does CHAMELEON change color ?
Q . How do spiders spin their webs ?
Q . Why does haircut not hurt ?
Q . Why do Snake shed their skins ?

Q . What colour is an insect's blood ?
Q . Why does hair turn grey ?
Q . How can Cricket tell you the Tempreture ?
Q . How do insects breath?
Q . why do our finger form wrinkles when they are soaked in water for long time?
Q . Why do mosquito buzz louder as the temperature goes up ?
Q . If a bird gets wet, it becomes dry very soon. Why ?
Q . Why do monkeys comb each other's fur ?
Q . Why do plants give out Oxygen during the day and Carbon dioxide at night?

Q . why do our finger form wrinkles when they are soaked in water for long time?
Q . When a Bullet is fired at a glass pane , a hole is formed but when a stone is thrown , the whole glass breaks . why is that so?
Q . Why does animal show reactions before an Earthquake?
Q . A stone feels cold to the bare feet , but a carpet on the same floor feels warm. why?
Q . Why is Brass used in statues ?
Q . A bulb becomes hot while giving light , Whereas a tube light doesn't become so . Why ?
Q . Why do we feel sleepy after heavy meal ?
Q . Why does haircut not hurt ?
Q . What is hard water ?
Q . Why are there waves on sea ?
Q . Why does hair turn grey ?

Q . What keeps a satellite in Orbit?
Q . How is it that our weight decreases on moon ?
Q . When any meteor or object enters the atmosphere, it burns whereas a man made space shuttle or rocket does not burn . Why ?

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