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Lightsaber Techniques

Swordsmanship is one of the most liked and well known activities of the Jedi Knights.

All Jedi are swordsmen, and have great respect for those who are good at the art of the sword. It is an ancient discipline, and is well worth your time. Holding this non-projectile weapon in your hands builds an understanding that you have more control over the world then just with your own body. Because of this aspect, it helps you to connect to the Force.

Acording to George Lucas, the creator of Lightsaber Combat, Jedi fighting is something spiritual and intellectual. This means that it tests a persons will, through and through.

Nick Gillard is the one who created the fighting style for Lucas. He said that Jedi fighting is a mix of many styles; Epee, Kendo, Samurai Combat, Rapier, and even Tennis. Becuase a Jedi is up against lasers and ray-guns, he has to be extraordinarily good. Gillard is right about that, and it makes a lot of sense to me. I like to practice epee fencing, but this made up style for the movies makes me feel much more at peace so I practice that too (I think it could be because the techniques use more of the body, and uses the body in more ways.)

Here is how it works: (info from: Attack of the Clones: the visual dictionary, written by David West Reynolds)

Attack 1: Cutting downward at someones head.
Parry 1: Blocking an attack to your own head. Blade should be horizontal.
Attack 2: Slashing across at someones right arm or neck. Left to right.
Parry 2: Blocking your right arm and neck from an attack. Blade should be vertical.
Attack 3: Slashing across at someones left arm or neck. Right to left.
Parry 3: Blocking your left arm and neck from an attack.
Parry 4: Blocking the back of your body. Blade vertical.
Attack 5: Slashing across at someones right leg. Left to right.
Parry 5: Blocking the right leg from an attack.
Attack 6: Slashing across at someones left leg. Right to left.
Parry 6: Blocking the left leg from an attack.

Parry Diagram

Attack Diagram

(Obi-Wan uses Parry 3, Parry 5, and Parry 6 against Darth Maul's attacks)

Velocities: Practicing techniques with a partner.
Dulon: Practicing techniques without a partner (like a Karate kata).

Velocity I (by Mi-Zhe Fu) *sword
* The L means left foot, and the R means right foot.

#Student1Student 2
1.Parry 6 (Step L back)Attack 6 (Step R forward)
2.Parry 5 (Step R back)Attack 5 (Step L forward)
3.Parry 2 (Step L back)Attack 2 (Step R forward)
4.Parry 3 (Step R back)Attack 3 (Step L forward)
5.Parry 2 (Step L back)Attack 2 (Step R forward)
6.Attack 1 (Step L forward)Parry 1 (Step R back)
7.Attack 3 (Step R forward)Parry 3 (Step L back)
8.Attack 2 (Step L forward)Parry 2 (Step R back)
9.Attack 6 (Step R forward)Parry 6 (Step L back)
10.Attack 5 (Step L forward)Parry 5 (Step R back)

Dulon I (by Mi-Zhe Fu) *sword

Ready Position: Stand, feet shoulder width apart. Sword in one hand (usually the right hand), blade angled down.
1. Step the left foot back and bring your other hand to the handle. Then do a parry 3.
2. No step. Do an attack 2.
3. Step the left foot forward. Then do a stab (both hands on the handle) to someone's midsection.
4. Bring the right foot forward, turning counter-clockwise (this is a 180 degree turn, the left foot should be in front at the end, in a nicely spread stance). Then do a parry 2.
5. No step. Do an attack 3.
6. Step the right foot forward. Then do a stab (both hands on the handle) to someones midsection.
7. Bring the right foot to the left, turning counter-clockwise bringing the left foot to the left (another version of the 180 degree spin). Then do a parry 6.
8. No step. Then do a parry 5.
9. No step. Then do a parry 1 (with the hands to the right).
10. Step the right foot forward. Then do an attack 1.
Bring the right foot back to the ready position.

Dulon I Diagram

Velocity II (by Mi-Zhe Fu) *sword & martial arts
* Some of these moves will mean taking one hand off the handle.
* Be careful practicing the stab, it is easier to get hurt with a practice weapon using that technique. Practice slowly at first with your partner.

#Student1Student 2
1.Attack 2 (Step R forward)Parry 2 (Step L back)
2.Attack 6 (Step L forward)Parry 6 (Step R back)
3.Left forearm low block (Step L back)Right front snap kick (land R forward)
4.Attack 3 (No step)Parry 3 (No step)
5.Attack 1 (No step)Parry 1 (No step)
6.Parry 5 (No step)Attack 5 (No step)
7.Left midsection punch (Step L forward)Right inner forearm block (Step R back)
8.Parry 2 (No step)Attack 2 (No step)
9.Attack 1 (No step)Parry 1 (No step)
10.Attack 6 (Step R forward)Parry 6 (Step L back)
11.Attack 3 (Step L counter-clockwise 360)Parry 4 (Step R back)
12.Parry 1 (No step)Attack 1 (No step)
13.Attack 1 (No step)Parry 1 (No step)
14.Parry 3 (Step L back)Attack 3 (Step R forward)
15.Parry 2 (Step R back)Stab (Step L forward)

Dulon II (by Mi-Zhe Fu) *sword & martial arts

Ready Position: Stand, feet shoulder width apart. Sword in both hands (usually right hand over left hand). Sword in front of the body, blade point pointing straight up.
1. Step the left foot to the left (to face that direction), Then do a parry 1 (handle should be on the left side).
2. Do a right front snap kick.
3. Place the right foot forward. Then do attack 1.
4. Step the right foot, turning clockwise (this is a 180 degree turn, the right foot should be in front at the end, in a nicely spread stance). Then do a parry 1 (handle should be on the right side).
5. Do a left front snap kick.
6. Place the left foot forward. Then do attack 1.
7. Step the left foot, turning counter-clockwise (this is a 90 degree turn, the left foot should be in front). Then do attack 1.
8. Step the right foot forward (bringing the sword down at your left side, and then circling it up). Then do attack 1.
9. Do a left side kick in the direction you are heading in.
10. Place the left foot down in front of the right (facing clockwise 90 degrees), Then do a parry 3 (with only your left hand on the handle).
11. Step the right foot forward. Then do a right midsection punch (bringing the other hand with the sword away to push your opponents blade further away).
12. Step the right foot, turinging clockwise (this is a 180 degree turn, the right foot should be in front at the end, in a nicely spread stance, during the turn bring your hands together to switch the sword to your right hand). Then do a parry 2.
13. Step the left foot forward. Then do a left midsection punch (bringing the other hand with the sword away to push your opponents blade further away).
14. Step the left foot (90 degree counter-clockwise turn), then do attack 3.
15. Step the right foot so it is directly in front of the left foot, then step the left foot counter-clockwise turning 180 degrees (the left foot ends up being the one in front in a nicely spread stance), then do attack 3.
16. Do attack 1 (swinging back and up on the left side before the move).
17. Step the left foot (90 degree clockwise turn, left foot should end up in front), do a left back fist (right hand on handle).
18. Stab with the right.
19. Step the right foot (180 degree clockwise turn, right foot in front), do a right back fist (left hand on handle).
20. Stab with the left.
Bring the right foot back to the ready position.

Dulon II Diagram

If you are in the mood for a duel and don't have anyone to practice with, check out the
Lightsaber Challenge

Click here to learn more about lightsaber styles
Form I of lightsaber combat

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