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The Force

The Force is real.

It is the energy given off by life. It is everywhere, but since life gives off the energy, it is strongest in and around life forms. This also means it has more of an effect on life then it does on objects.

It is a legendary ability found in our ancient history. It has been past down through the centuries. The Force has been called many names; Qi (chi), ki, prana, spirit energy, and vitalism. They are all the same thing, and every living thing has it.

The Force takes a lot of practice, just like every thing else. Some people after playing the piano for a month, can play a short tune. People playing the piano for many years, can play so well that it would be impossible not to be amazed. Same with the Force.

Since the Force comes from life, and life has it flow through itself, the Force is used by all life. Life uses the Force to live, and to give itself instincts. A Jedi is different then any other, a Jedi can use the Force to the fullest of its potential. Just remember a Jedi uses it only when he or she needs to.

The Force is not just something a Jedi can control, sometimes you have to let it control you. I would have to say that most of a Jedi's powers come from a Jedi just letting the Force do it's thing.

I found that there are two really good uses for the Force. Healing people's light injuries, and sicknesses. Also sensing the world through the Force (besides using the other 5 senses). The Force can supposedly move objects, create balls of energy, and knock people over at a distance--but I have yet to see these abilities.

The Force needs to be collected, for you to become stronger with it. To do this you have to imagine the Force coming into you. You have to imagine the feel of it coming into you. What does it feel like you ask? most of the time it feels like strong static that has weight to it.

Imagination always works best, when you have experianced it before. Here is a short exorsize, to let you know what the Force feels like:

Stand with your feet sholder width apart, toes pointing forward. put your arms straight out in front of you, hands at waist height. Breath slowly, in through the nose, out through the moulth. Close your eyes, or look straight ahead with your eyes relaxed. after you have become complietly relaxed, bend down about a foot. Come back up, and then down again; do this 5 times. Then slowly move your hands so they face each other, about a foot away from each other. You should feel the power. Only 1 out of 20 people do not feel it from this excercise. Some people feel heat, some cold, pushing, or pulling (between the hands).

The Force around a human hand.

Once you know what the Force feels like, you can build it up, and eventualy practice with it.

The mind can learn to control the Force. The brain consumes the most oxygen and blood then any other part of the body. Yet, the brain is not compleatly in use, there are dormant spots in it. These remain dormant, because the brain does not have the resources to open them up. Breath slow, deep breaths (to get more oxigen to the brain). At the same time, be in a comfortible position (so the brain can get free blood flow). While this is going on, imagine the Force coming in (this will excercise the untapped resources of the brain).

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May the Force be with you.

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