


Naboo Civilian Comlink (Ep1)

Naboo Comlink  - click for larger pictureThe image to the left is taken from the "Episode 1 Visual Dictionary" (see External Sources).  It is an insignificant prop with no recorded screen time.  Its only claim to fame is that it is the easiest and cheapest hand-prop, I am aware of, from the Star Wars universe.

Go to "Bed & Bath", or some other household store that carries kitchen accessories.  Buy an iSi basics Odor Steeler (item #8580); this is a stainless steel kitchen hand deodorizer for use after handling smelly foods.  Simply turn the stainless steel part around in its black holder so that the logo is no longer showing on it's face and your finished.  A 100% accurate prop for $10!

Luke's Belt Pouches (ANH)Luke's pouches  - click for larger pictureLuke pouches  - click for larger picture

This is the pouch Luke wears on the belt of his Tatooine costume in ANH.  Actually it is a French, leather ammo pouch from W.W.II.  I found this example on eBay for $5.75, shipped.  It needs no modification before being added to your belt.

MicroWelder (ANH)

Microflame tourch  - click for larger pictureThis tool is seen, briefly, in ANH, in the hands of Luke and the Jawas.  Actually it is a Microflame gas welding torch.  As well as attaching restraining bolts and broken limbs back on droids it welds, brazes, solders and, when pressed, caramelizes sugar for crème brulee.

This torch is still made and can be ordered directly from the manufacturer, Microflame, although, I have been told that the modern variant has a plastic body rather than a diecast one.  I bought the old example pictured from eBay for $14 shipped.  Not bad for an accurate hand prop, which can also be used as an actual tool around the prop shop.  As far as I know the torch is accurate right out of the box without any modifications.

Custom Droid Caller

Custom droid caller - click for larger pictureCustom droid caller - click for larger pictureAs you probably know, Luke's droid caller was made from an old Kobold camera flash.  Unfortunately. so does everyone else so the price of this piece is very high.  I made my own variation on this prop on an Leitz flashgun that you can pickup much cheaper (this one cost me $10).  To make it into a droid caller I cut down the top to the height you see here.  I then expoxied a chrome plumbing adaptor I had lying around on to the top and painted the top assembly silver.  To cap the hole I cut a slice from an acrylic ball I bought for 20c from my local plastics shore.  I also added the D-ring so it could be hung from a belt and drilled and mounted the activation switch on the side.  The switch came from another old flash I had in my scrap box.  I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.

Custom droid caller - click for larger picture

Star Trek Communicator (TOS)

Star Trek Communicator (TOS) - click for larger imageHere's a toy that will make a great starting point for a communicator.  This is not the Playmates version but the one with the voice recorder, clock and calculator built in.  You can find it a lot of places including eBay for around $25.  Pretty accurate out of the box but I am not a trekie so I don't really know what I'm talking about.



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