Personal Descriptions of Perimenopausal (?) Suffering 1895
(and miraculous cures...)

A selection of familiar style testimonials about familiar symptoms from The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in plain English by R V Pierce M.D.; Published by World's Dispensary Printing Office and Bindery, Buffalo, N.Y. U.S.A 1895. How many people like me wonder what was in these elixirs? They would fit in very well on some of the current web pages I think - with a little modernizing tweaking of course;-)

 A Most Wonderful Cure
Terrible Ulceration and falling of the Womb. Dropsy and other Complications

I am a farmer's wife.  My husband hired hands to work on his farm-I had them to cook for-to wait upon, and my family to care for.  I worked very hard till my health and strength gave way.  Six years ago the turn-of-life began in the worst form with other disease which I knew not; I had a severe misery in my back, pain in my head; the monthly flow became so excessive-came on too often; lasted eleven days.  When the flow would stop then there would be a yellow discharge of thick mattery appearance.   I had a bearing down pain in the lower portion of the womb-great pain all through my body: a pain in my womb was more like "labor pain" than anything I can compare it to; I had a palpitation of the heart, light chills, hay fever; and a pain in my stomach like colic.  My womb was very low down; the mouth was a large hard knot-was so sore I was compelled to have a soft seat to sit on; severe pains in my thighs; pain down the sides of the abdomen; pain in my breast, pain between my shoulders; my bowels costive; my nervous system prostrated; my digestion impaired; I had the desire to urinate all the time, could not pass only a few drops at a time; I was bloated all over my body.  My feet and legs were swelled tight, and I was in so much pain day and night I could not sleep; I could not eat any food only a little sweet milk and a little corn bread; I lived in this way for four years; I could not walk across the room.  I was treated by four the best doctors in the land; the 1st three gave me no relief-the fourth built up my health to some extent; none of them could cure me-none of the four could regulate menstrual flow: they could not cure those offensive discharges.  I was given up to die by all four of them; my family and friends expected everyday I would die.

I got one of your memorandum books; I read it carefully, and I was hoping all this time for some relief-I hoped old time for relief.  My husband decided to write to you-ask your advice, believing you could give me a relief; though I felt ashamed to tell the gentleman, Dr. I never sore, those things concerning my reflections; but I was suffering terribly.  I hoped for relief and I found it.  I am happy to tell you I am well.  I was paid to be cured by your good advice and could get some and to spread of fame. 

When I received the book you sent me and letter telling me what to take, and what it would do for me, I was very feeble; I had just got up from one of those bad spells - so weak that I could not sit up for more tthan an hour at a time.  My husband went and got the medicine and a syringe.  I began its use, as you advised, and took the medicine as you directed; I have taken your medicine seven months; the 1st month my improvement was to come slow; I began to have strength; my pain began to vanish; my appetite began to come; I commenced to sleep sound and the bloating began to go down; the pain in my head was gone; palpitation of the heart, also the misery in my back to ease; the pain in my  womb began to vanish; the  first time the monthly flow appeared, it was controlled - it was regulated -it went so light for me that I could go all the time without a cane.  I have not had one spell to confine me to bed in seven months; I have done all the cooking for my family all year; the pain in my stomach disappeared; the yellow discharge also - the bearing down vanished.  I have no pain, enjoy life, enjoy my family, enjoy my friends.  I enjoy the pleasure of telling my friends who cured me, and what medicine it was that cured me; he should have the honor.  It is Dr. Pierce! 

I was at death's door when I began to take his medicine, and follow his advice.  It was his "Favorite Prescription" and " Golden Medical Discovery and the Pleasant Pellets" that cured me.  I also used the lotion, or wash advised, with a syringe. 

Now, I wish you to accept my best wishes and hearty thanks for what you have done for me. 

Last winter I gave my six friends the pamphlets which were around the bottles of medicine. Some of them are going to take it; it gives great satisfaction here; I will take nothing other myself; it will come the nearest to raising the dead of any medicine I ever saw in my life; it saved my life, when four doctors gave me up to die. May God bless you in your work, as he has done in my case. 

Yours truly,  Mrs. Mary Smith 

Severe Flowing
I suffered terribly with leuccorhea, my monthlies would nearly always send me to bed; I would lose from two to four quarts of blood.  I had womb trouble pretty bad and my bladder would trouble me nearly all the time, by continually wanting to urinate, with smart, burning pains. My husband got me a bottle of Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription."  I took 19 bottles and now feel very well indeed. 

Your friend, Mrs. Lulu Clark 

Suppressed Menstruation
[There seems to have been a notion that if the blood didn't flow out, it flowed to the brain and caused "nervous" trouble]


It is almost two years ago that my little girl was taken with a spasm and which frightened me so much that my menses became suppressed.  I suffered severely with pressure on the brain so that I often thought I should go insane.  I also had a severe pain in the ovaries and bearing down pains.  I consulted a physician, who treated me for a while till I began to feel worse, and consulted another physician who I knew had treated several women for like ailments.  He gave me medicine  which did me no more good than that prescribed by the 1st physician. 

Finally, after an examination, the doctor said that he should have to operate on me in order to have my health restored. 

As my husband and I had heard and read so much about Dr. Pierce's medicines we decided to try them.  We had Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser.  I took 3 or 4 bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and one bottle of Golden Medical Discovery and one vial of pellets.  After using these I felt perfectly cured.  As I am always troubled more or less by biliousness, I keep your little pellets on hand and find relief by using them. One of them taken after meals acts splendidly for indigestion. 

Respectfully, Mrs. B. H. Kamferbeck

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