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This is of course a group whose purpose is for men to talk about living with  a menopausal partner, rather than their own "meno"pause. However if such an analog to menopause does exist, it must inevitably impact upon the experience. By chance, I happened upon a promo site for a book entitled Male Menopause and I am pasting part it below. To see the whole thing, visit

Of interest to me is the overlap of many of the purported "symptoms" with the symptoms list for menopause (No need to say female since menopause is the cessation of the menses, an occurence which is exclusively female;-0). This overlap adds weight to the argument that many things are blamed on menopause, which are more accurately simply a function of midlife and aging in general.

A further overlap is the emphasis on the vast numbers of men who are or will be entering this "passage" Is this another gleeful grasping at an opportunity for vast profits if the demand can be manufactured? A page entitled "How to beat the Male Menopause" includes the advice to "check" hormones, but does not really suggest "replacing" them - yet... Hold onto your wallets, I expect it won't be long before the trickle of such suggestion becomes a torrent!

A difference however is the contrast between the upbeat "purpose" for male menopause and the downer variety for women - men are to become their most powerful, women are to have crumbling bones and heart attacks ;-(  Rarely (in N. America) is menopause viewed as anything but physical - those who claim spiritual, transformational dimensions for women are rare and ignored by the majority.
Extract from book promo begins here
     Male menopause (also called viropause or andropause) begins with hormonal, physiological, and chemical changes that  occur in all men generally between the ages of forty and fifty-five, though it can occur as early as thirty-five or as late as  sixty-five. 

    These changes affect all aspects of a man's life. Male menopause is, thus, a physical condition with psychological, interpersonal, social, and spiritual dimensions. 

    The purpose of male menopause is to signal the end of the first part of a man's life and prepare him for the second half.  Male menopause is not the beginning of the end, as many fear, but the end of the beginning. It is the passage to the most passionate, powerful, productive, and purposeful time of a man's life.

     In the United States, there are 25,172,000 men between the ages of forty and fifty-five who are now going through the Male Menopause Passage. Worldwide that number is 408 million.

     In less than twenty-five years, by 2020, the number of men in the United States going through the Male Menopause Passage will grow to approximately 57,500,000. Worldwide it will grow to 690 million men.
Note: (Tishy's addition) symptoms marked * also appear on the list of signs for women. Symptoms marked * also happen to women at midlife

    The most common physical symptoms of male menopause include

  • Taking longer to recover from injuries and illness*
  • Less endurance for physical activity*
  • Feeling fat, gaining weight *
  • Difficulty reading small print*
  • Loss or thinning of hair *
  • Sleep disturbances* 
     The most common psychological symptoms of male menopause include:
  • Irritability*
  • Indecisiveness *
  • Anxiety and fear *
  • Depression*
  • Loss of self-confidence and joy*
  • Loss of purpose and direction in life*
  • Feeling lonely, unattractive, and unloved*
  • Forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating *
    The most common sexual symptoms of male menopause include
  • Reduced interest in sex*
  • Increased anxiety and fear about losing sexual potency
  • Increased fantasies about having sex with a new and younger partner 
  • More relationship problems and fights over sex, love, and intimacy*

  • Loss of erection during sexual activity.
End book promo
I am posting this in the hope that it will spark some discussion of the shared aspects of midlife and consideration of just *what* can be legitimately called "menopausal" i.e. hormone dependent. I believe it is time to view the process without the bias created by stereotyping, alarmist press releases, and drug company hype. There is a great need for mutual respect and support between men and women. We are all human beings first.
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