THE object of this chapter is to teach woman how to preserve her health and strength through the critical period termed "change of life." This change is perfectly normal, as much so as the one occurring between the ages of ten and sixteen, and should be so regarded.
A few simple rules will apply to all cases, of whatever temperament. Nature is primitive in her operations, our aches and pains being simply her voice calling upon the intelligent forces, our thoughts, for assistance.


Creative Science; 
Bearing, Nursing and Rearing Children;
Hints on Courtship and Marriage; Regulating
Number of Offspring; Health, Mental
and Physical Beauty, Etc., Etc.





 It usually takes place between the ages of forty and fifty, although in some cases it may occur as early as thirty, and in others not until sixty; however, we can expect the change about the forty- fifth year.

Anatomical changes

At puberty the ovary enlarges until it attains its full development, and begins its work of casting off each month a perfected ovule. When the forty-fifth year of a woman s life is reached the reverse process begins. The ovary begins to shrivel, soon reaching the size and acquiring much the appearance of a peachstone. A few months later it is still more shrunken, and after the cessation of the menses it often becomes so shrunken as to be scarcely recognizable. At the same time that the ovaries are undergoing this remarkable degenerative change, a similar change is taking place in the other organs of generation. The uterus also diminishes in size, as does also the vagina. The mouth of the womb becomes contracted, and after a time entirely closes. The upper part of the vagina is often contracted to such a degree as to produce folds closely resembling those which result from serious inflammations about the uterus. The breasts are diminished in size.

Variety of experience

 These changes indicate unmistakably the decline of the function of reproduction, preparatory to its entire suspension. The symptoms will vary according to the constitution of the woman; in some the change occurs by the discharge graduallv diminishing in quantity. The woman may pass this period without having any more unpleasant symptoms than an occasional rush of blood to the head, or a headache. Others, however may have very severe symptoms.

General symptoms

Headache, dizziness; biliousness, sour stomach, indigestion, diarrhea, costiveness, piles; itching of the private parts; cramps and colic in the bowels; palpitation of the heart; swelling of the limbs and abdomen; pains in the back and loins; paleness and general weakness.

Nervous complaints

The neuralgias, nervousness, fidgets and hysterias which afflict some women at this period are such as to make life miserable

Hot flashes

Flushings are also a frequent nervous disorder, caused by the rushing of the blood to any part of the body. Sometimes the flushing is accompanied by excessive heat or by violent throbbing. Sometimes nausea and vomiting accompany the flushing, or the patient may be thrown into a profuse perspiration, while at other times the mind becomes so excited that it amounts to actual delirium. These perspirations are sometimes so profuse as to saturate the bed-clothing. They may follow the flushing or occur independently. Usually they occur during sleep. They also attend mental excitement of any kind.


Better life
expectancy for women

Most women look forward to "change of life" with serious apprehension, and the prevailing opinion is that it is a period of great risk to health and even to life. This is a mistaken notion, however, and recent investigation proves that there is less mortality among women at this period than among men of the same age, and also that there is less mortality among women during this decade than during any other decade after the age of puberty. Women who safely pass this period have also a better chance of living to a ripe old age than have men. 

Be prepared

The woman who comes to this period with a constitution unimpaired by fashionable dress, by dissipation, or by excesses of any kind, has little or nothing to fear, and will almost invariably pass it quickly, and with safety. To the woman with feeble health and a broken constitution, however, this may prove indeed a critical period, and she may well look forward to this time with apprehension and forebodings. A proper preparation will do much to mitigate the sufferings of this age, and it is well, indeed, if being forewarned in time, she begins to correct the evils of the past in matters pertaining to dress, diet and exercise.


Necessity for knowledge 
and precaution

With the appearance of the first symptoms, begin treatment, which should be continued until change is established. This prevents abnormal growths, such as tumors, polypi, cancers, flooding, and many other conditions which render the change critical, and even dangerous to many women. Listen to the voice of Nature, and early take proper precautions to prevent future suffering. Many women, when contemplating this change, believe it will result fatally or in a serious disease; at least that perfect health will never be re-established. The reason so much suffering is experienced during this period is that women do not understand how to properly prepare the system to undergo it with undiminished health. If Nature's laws are not violated, there will be no trouble whatever.

Cooperate with nature

Nature has four ways of removing obstructions; namely, the lungs, alimentary canal, kidneys, and the several million pores of the skin. With a proper understanding and management of these organs, no one need fear. The dress should conform to the laws of our being,—constructed to fit the body, and not the body the dress. Develop the muscular system by proper breathing and exercise

Enemas and douches


Change of life is one of Nature s requirements, hence the necessity of attending carefully to the enriching of the blood and glandular secretions by nutritious food, and by keeping the skin clean and free for the perfect elimination of all superfluous secretions. Women at this period should take enemas, both by means of the rectum and the vagina. Many suppose that these weaken the system; on the contrary, they render it healthy, washing away all eliminations of the mucous tissues. This is as necessary as cleansing the skin. Very warm water should be injected if troubled with gases; a little borax or bicarbonate of soda dissolved in water will neutralize acidity and overcome this condition. If sore or irritated, use slippery elm injections, making them thin enough to pass easily through the syringe. Fountain syringes are best.

Disordered stomach causes
multiple symptoms

In cases of hot flashes, heartburn, and sleeplessness, a disordered stomach is generally found to be the cause. A rest from eating for twenty-four hours, with a one-grain dose of nux vomica, taken two or three times during the day, will overcome these difficulties. If great prostration occurs, the system should be treated with a good tonic, the patient obtaining as much pure air as possible, with moderate exercise. Thus strength will gradually return.

Eat right

Elevate the spirit

Dress comfortably

Keep bowels regular

Breathe deeply

As to diet, entire wheat, or graham bread, with eggs, milk, broths and gruels should be taken, according to appetite; also fruits and nuts. Meats, except wild game, should be avoided, as a rule, though their indulgence sometimes produces a tonic action, causing an appetite for other things; when this results, their use is  beneficial. 

The mind should not continually dwell upon self, but should be diverted with pleasant company, reading, riding, etc. The atmosphere of music also is very beneficial. Elevate the spirit, and the body will grow strong. 

Always dress comfortably, keeping the feet warm by wearing shoes that allow free circulation of the blood. 

Try to maintain regularity of the bowels by eating properly, and not by dependence upon medicines only.

Muscular exercise and deep breathing are also essential.

Hot baths


Hot bathing only is allowable at this period. Turkish, vapor and hot sitz baths are the most beneficial, but if these cannot be obtained, bathe in hot water, in a very warm room, rubbing the skin thoroughly with a turkish bath towel or flannel. Fleshy people can use water freely, -but thin, weak people should rub oils well into the skin after taking a hot bath. Bathing twice a week is necessary. We also wish to impress upon your minds that you can be as healthy at fifty as at fifteen years of age, with an improved mental education, experience and culture, which should add to your attractions.

Limit sex

During the period marked by change of life, there should be as little indulgence in the sexual relation as possible, none at all being preferable.

"Invite menstruation"

It is better to invite menstruation as long as possible. By doing this you exercise a most excellent safeguard against congestions, inflammations and developments of uterine tumors and cancers. Injections should always be used after a discharge from the vagina, whether of the menstrual or leucorrhoeal character. These injections will prevent the great amount of itching, pain and smarting from which most women suffer so much during this period. Do not fear to use water freely; a gallon at a time will not be too much, using, if possible, a fountain syringe, it being the -most convenient means for injections. Commence with water comfortably warm, gradually increasing the temperature until quite hot. Have no fear that the douche will induce hemorrhage, for there is no means known to the medical profession so prompt in checking uterine hemorrhage as copious injections of hot water.

Vaginal treatments

When change of life is so far advanced that the secretions from the womb and vagina are sharp and acrid, causing increased soreness and inflammation, add to the water a little borax or bi-carbonate of soda. Use this treatment every other day, wearing a wet towel over the sore parts at night, which may be wet in either hot or cold water, as is most agreeable. In connection with bathing and injections, use the third trituration of viburnum opulus, also of pulsatilla, one grain at a dose, the viburnum to be taken at night, and the pulsatilla in the morning. These medicines come prepared in any homeopathic pharmacy, and should be taken during one week of each month. If excessive thirst is experienced, cold water (without ice), acidulated with a few drops of phosphoric acid, and sweetened with a little sugar, may be drank freely. This makes a pleasant, healthful drink.

Headache treatment

To relieve pain at the base of the brain, and along the spine, bathe freely in alcohol diluted one-third with water, producing gentle friction.


As a tonic, use the third trituration of nux vomica, morning and evening, in doses the size of a coffee bean. Also an elixir of calisaya and iron, one teaspoonful three times a day before eating.

Libido changes


With the approach of the change of life it is usual for the sexual passions to cease. The reproductive organs have finished their work, and it is but natural that the feelings dependent upon them should also cease to exist. Sometimes, however, the opposite is the case, and the passions increase in intensity, and become more violent than at any other time of their lives. This condition of things should always be looked upon with serious apprehensions, for it is against nature, and may be the indication of some grave disease. There is no doubt but that sexual gratification at this time is a very common cause of intensifying all the numerous inconveniences and ailments which are attendant upon this period, and hence continence is not only recommended, but should be enjoined as one of, the most essential hygienic measures by which a safe and rapid transit through this period of sexual decline may be insured.


Male similarities

Change of life takes place in man as well as in woman. His system undergoes a process not identical with, but similar to, that occurring in her. At puberty the boy develops the sperm or seed, which is the male principle, and the girl develops the ovum, which is the female principle. Correspondingly, he changes again, with her, at the age of from forty to fifty or fifty-five. He suffers through nervousness, sleeplessness, pain at the base of the brain, tendency to softening of the brain and insanity. Suicides are also more common among men at this age than at any other. The eyesight changes, rendering the use of spectacles necessary. The activity of the generative organs diminishes, and their functions grow weaker. To abstain from sexual intercourse during this period is of the greatest importance, and as essential to the welfare of men as of women. 


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