<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> tutorials

:::Basic Ettin Care:::

Ettins are the machine lover's worst nightmare. Driven by instinct, they explore the ship from top to bottom, and drag back every gadget to their beloved home in the Desert Terranium.

Because of this, carefully constructed machines can be dismantled in seconds, and the parts towed off someplace else. The only machines that seem to be safe are in the aquarium, but even those are at risk should your Ettins breathe underwater (like mine).

Because they explore so erratically, and so far, Ettins are victims to many fates that do not affect other creatures. Wandering through the Jungles can give them many diseases, and subject them to Grendel assaults. Their quest for gadgets can accidentally place them underwater, where they can drown.

Breeding Ettins is pretty much like breeding norns though I'd start out with alot of male and female ettins becuase of the death rate due to sickness.

:::Basic Grendel Care:::

Grendels are vicious creatures known for their massive size, hard hits and lower intelligence. Back in Creatures 2, and Creatures 1, Grendels were merely neglected creatures that died quickly from exposure to radiation from the volacano.

However, in Creatures 3, Grendels are a law unto themselves. As a person playing with Norns, Grendels will attack and steal Norn Eggs, hurt and even kill Norns and Ettins alike. They will travel far and wide, tracking other creatures with sight, and smell. A Grendel can tell when they are getting close to a clutch of eggs from the scent of "Norn Home".

Grendels are born in the Jungle Terrarium, where the Grendel Mother lays her eggs. In Creatures 3, there will always be two Grendels roaming about. To stop this, you can quickly collect both Grendel eggs before they hatch and place them in water. Any creature eggs in water will not hatch.

Grendels CAN be trained to be friendly to Norns. This is best done at the baby stage. However, a Grendel's basic instinct is to hit or slap everything they interact with, so if you do mix baby grendels with Norns, keep an eye on them throughout their lifetime. Grendels easily slip back into their basic instincts.

However, some people enjoy breeding such powerful creatures. When you see them, you can see why. Players that can harness their power are often rewarded greatly.

In order to start breeding your (ahem) army of Grendels, you must first find an agent that allows you to hatch them from your egg layer like any other agent. Great places to look are:


Both of these places have a "find the agent" browser, to help you look.

Once you find that, hatch two and let them begin to explore. You will notice that Grendels tend to hit more than any other interaction. This is because every instinct in a Grendel is to "hit" rather than "push". You can try to train this out of them, but it's like trying to teach a puppy to be sad. It's not easy at all.

Rather, you should find another outlet for such vigorous energy. Provide toys, and other entertainments for the creatures. As they grow, you will notice they become restless and begin exploring, eventually wandering back to the Jungle Terrarium. Again, they are using their sense of smell to locate "Grendel Home". You will also notice they tend to stick around here more often, as older Grendels get homesick easily.

Now, different Grendel species breed differently. Some are quicker, some are slower. For instance, the Toxic Grendels made by Darkhole87 breed insanely fast. If you're having problems, telling them "Push Grendel" can often help. Grendels can be pushy when they're ready to breed; leave them be and pretty soon, you'll have a host of baby Grendels stampeding across the world.

One final Note:

I have heard that Ettins actually calm down Grendels, and here is a quote from The Pres Of GDN:

"If you raise a Grendel around Ettins it will become less violent (Ettins calm Grendels down) towards both them and Norns. If a Grendel's answer to everything is "maybe hit norn", tell it off until it no longer says it. This way they learn what is right or wrong. But be warned, if a cocky Norn starts slapping a Grendel for fun, expect a quick battering and an injured Norn. Grendels can be tamed but they're still Grendels!"

Thus, just like Norns or Ettins, Grendels are to be treated with care, and they are, perhaps, a little more demanding than the others.


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