JC Chua Kito - Sacraments, Dao Cong Giao, Catchism, Thieu Nhi Thanh The & Boy Scouts
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 Chua Kito - Sacraments, Dao Cong Giao, Catchism, Thieu Nhi Thanh The & Boy Scouts
 Đạo Công Giáo
 ▪ 7 Phép Bí Tích
 ▪ Giáo Lý
 ▪ Kinh Đọc Hằng Ngày
 ▪ Nghi Thức Lễ
 ▪ Bài Hát

 ▪ 7 Sacraments
 ▪ Bible Study
 ▪ Daily Prayers
 ▪ Gospel Songs
 ▪ Order of Mass

 Thiếu Nhi TT
 ▪ Băng Reo
 ▪ Chuyên Môn
 ▪ Phong Trào TNTT
 ▪ Thiếu Nhi Ca
 ▪ Trò Chơi

 Boy Scouts
 ▪ Chuyên Môn
 ▪ Hướng Đạo Ca
 ▪ Boy Scout Guide

 ▪ FAQs

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws

Second Person of the Trinity

1. Who is the Savior of all people?
   - Jesus God the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity who became man to save us from sin.

2. Why did the Son of God become man?
   - To Teach us what to believe
   - To show us the right way to live
   - To die and rise for our salvation

3. When did the Son of God become man?
   - When Mary agreed to become His Mother. He took a human body and soul in His Mother's womb through the power of the Holy Spirit.

4. Where was He born?
   - He, Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, the small town in which King David was born

5. What does the name of Jesus Christ mean?
   - Jesus means God Save or the Savior
   - A Savior is one who saves, who frees people from sin and bring them to God
   - Christ means Messiah or the Anointed One. The Messiah was the great leader foretold in the Old Testament who would set up God's Kingdom on earth.

6. How did Jesus show us how to live?
   - By His examples through His private and public life. His life teaching. It is probably about 3 years and ended with His Death and Resurrection.

7. How did Jesus back His Claim to be God?
   - By working miracles and prophecies. Why? Because the miracles and prophecies of Jesus could only have been done if God was with Him and thus proved what He had said about being divine.

8. What was Jesus' greatest miracle?
   - His Resurrection

9. Why Jesus die
   - To make up for the great offense of our first parent's sin and our own personal sins (Adam and Eve).
   - We might receive God's life called Grace, to have a chance to reach the happiness of heaven.

10. What did Jesus Resurrection twll us about our own resurrection?
   - Jesus' Resurrection show us that our own resurrectoin will be like at the end of the world. Just as God's power united Jesus' body and soul, so will our own bodies and sould be reunited by God's power at the end of time.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws