Site Created and Maintained by Gwen Robson
Created 2/3/02
The Orlando Bloom Phenomenon
some thoughts posted by Gwen Robson

When I send this site to my family and friends, they're all very pleasant.  They like the images, they like the layout, but the comments always end with "Why him? Why him for your first website."  All's I can really say is "Why not?".

  Is it love?  Is it an obsession?  No.  It's an appreciation.

I don't really believe you can be in love with someone you've never had any interaction with.  Technically, they don't exist in your three-dimensional world.  They exist on a TV screen or in some pictures in a magazine or in the movies, and they certainly exist as beings in their own world.  But if they don't exist in your world, you can love
what they do for you (i.e., how they make you feel) but you can't love them.  I've never met him, so no, I'm not in love with him.

As far as obsession goes, I don't think I've reached that level as a fan, nor do I ever think I will.
Sure, Orlando pops up in my dreams.  Sure, I spend a lot of time on a website devoted to him.  But I don't pretend I'm ever going to marry him.  I don't try to convince myself that he's the only one for me.  I don't make plans to sift through London to find his house or dig through his trash. 
I have no reason to...

...Because I appreciate him.  I appreciate his talent, his looks, his accent, his personality. 
I appreciate the ideals he stands for and the actions he uses to express them.

This website is devoted to the
appreciation of this wonderful guy
and to the
promotion of his talent, good looks, and personality.

Carpe Diem, Orlando.
You've got a lot of support.
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