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Hironobu Sakaguchi

Nobuo Uemats


Q and A with Nobuo Uematsu
(Included in FF8 Original Soundtrack)

Q: What did you want to be when you were little?
A:  My parents wanted me to be a Doctor or Lawyer but I wanted to be a Pro Wrestler or a Gymnast in the Olympics.

Q:  What is your personality. Bad and good points?
A:  Bad points:Don't have the basics down. Can't think logically.Lazy. Nothing that I do lasts for a long time. There is a lot more. Good points:I am still living.

Q:  What kind of room are you living in?
A:  There is a river running right in front of it. I get into a good mood every day by looking at it everyday when I wake up through my window.

Q:  What is a cd you currently like?
A:  The Gateway Experience(developed by The Monroe Institute)

Q:  When do you feel happy with your life?
A:   I am always happy with my life.

Q:  What does Video Game Music mean to you?
A:  If this kind of music didn't exist, I wouldn't be able to live as a composer of music.

Q:  Were you ever a kid that did bad things such as drugs?
A:  I was always intrested in something and was busy doing that so I never had time to think about doing bad stuff.

Q:  Did you do good in school?
A:  I was always busy in doing something so I forgot to study and do homework.

Q:  Where do you want to live if you could, outside of Japan?
A:  I would live in Japan for the Spring and Fall, summer in Ireland and in Winter Hawaii.

Q:  What do you do when you have off from work?
A:  If it is long, I'll go on a vacation and drink beer. If it is short, I'll see a movie, listen to music, try cooking, play around with instruments(all done while drinking beer). If I only have one day off, I'll go shopping, then lie around in my house and drink beer.

Q:  What was the first peice you composed?
A:  It didn't have a title. I composed it around when I graduated elementary school.

Q:  Do you have any children?
A:  I would be a more responsible person if I had kids.

Q:  Instruments that you recently bought.
A:  I bought a fender telecaster about a year ago.

Q:  Have you ever had a dream that came true?
A:  I dreamt one day that I would be working on FF8, and the next day they told to compose music for FF8.

Q:  Do you have a moment in your regular day that you don't think about music.
A:  I don't think there is. I am always near music and thinking about it. I don't think about music all day because I feel I have to, because of my job, but it's just that I love music.

Q:  What cities do you go to normally?
A:  Shibuya, Nicotamagawa, Oka, Yokohama. I don't go to any other city.

Q:  What is one mystery not known in today's world that you want to know about.
A:  What happens to people when they die.

Q:  Where is one place you want to visit once while you are alive?
A:  In this age, we can go anywhere we want to any time, so I don't think there is such  a dream like place in this world that we can say, "I want to go there once in my lifetime". Anyway, places I want to visit right now are Canada and Nova Scotia.

Q:  What is one person(dead or alive) that you want to meet.
A:  The first human that walked the earth.

Q:  When have you recently cried?
A:  When I composed the FF8 ending theme, the FMV and the music fit so perfectly that I had tears in my eyes.

Translation by: MegaFlare
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