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*** Greek Week Info ***



Inter-Greek Letter Council

Constitution of the Inter-Greek Letter Council

Article I - Name

1.1 The name of the Council representing individual members and members of men�s and women�s fraternities at McGill university shall be known as the Inter-Greek Letter Council, referred to by the acronym IGLC.

Article II - Purpose

2.1 The purpose of the IGLC is to unify and represent all of its members and to protect and promote their welfare and interests.  In so doing, the association shall provide activities and services to enhance the educational, cultural, environmental and social conditions of its members.

2.2 The IGLC shall also organize and support philanthropic activities and programs that are devoted to the well-being of groups disadvantaged in society.

2.3 All IGLC endeavors and activities shall be undertaken with full respect for human dignity and without discrimination on the basis of inter alia, gender, age, race, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation, physical disability, language or social class.

Article III - Membership and Fees

3.1 The membership fee schedule shall be presented by the Executive committee and approved by the IGLC Council.

3.2 All members of the Students Society of McGill University are eligible to become members of the IGLC.

                3.2.1 A member house may be recognized by the IGLC upon meeting requirements for eligibility outlined in sections 3.3 and 3.4.

3.3 Each member house in good standing, as determined by the IGLC council, is entitled to voting rights.

3.3.1 A member house is defined as a recognized Greek Letter Society whose members are members of the IGLC as well.

3.3.2 for a member house to be considered in �good standing� it must:

(a) Sign a contract indicating that they have read, understood, and agree to adhere to the constitution of the IGLC

(b) Sign a contract indicating that they have read, understood, and agree to adhere to the IGLC Anti-Hazing Policy

(c) Sign a contract indicating that they have read, understood, and agree to adhere to the IGLC Alcohol Policy

(d) Provide proof of philanthropic events completed for the past semester as well as those planned for the upcoming semester

(e) Have a copy of their own by-laws on file with IGLC

(f) Follow the attendance requirements outlined in article 3.6

3.3.3 At the beginning of every semester each member house will be reminded of these requirements and undergo a review to rate their standing.

3.4 Only those member houses that have paid dues in full by the fourth weekly meeting of each semester will be allowed voting rights for that semester. This may be waived following a majority vote of Council.

3.5 The IGLC shall have a policy which will allow member houses who are unable to pay regular membership fees that ability to enter a payment plan.

3.6 The following attendance requirements will be imposed on member houses:

(a) A representative for each member house must be present at each meeting. If the elected representative cannot be present, a proxy must be present.

(b) In the event that there is no representation of a member house with voting rights a fine will be charged.

3.7 Women�s and men�s fraternities who wish to apply for membership to the IGLC must comply with articles 3.2 et seq

3.7.1 These fraternities (applying member house) shall be granted a probationary membership of two semesters, equivalent to one academic school year.  During this probationary period the applying member house must demonstrate:

a) stability in numbers and participation

b) philanthropy

c) promotion for the well being of the Greek Community as a whole

d) adherence to the Constitution and Policies of the IGLC and SSMU At the end of the first of the two semesters of probation a review of progress shall be held by the IGLC Executive body for the applying member house. Participation in Greek Week is encouraged but the applying member house is not eligible to place in Greek Week. At the end of the probationary period a review shall be held by the IGLC Executive to determine if the applying fraternity has met the requirements from article 3.7.1.  This shall be presented to the Inter-Greek Letter Council and a vote for full membership will be taken by the elected representatives to the Council:

a)       a quorum of all active member houses must be present

b)       Full membership shall be approved upon a vote of no more than one vote by a representative of a member house against approval

c)       When full membership is denied, an appeal to the Executive body for extension of the probationary period may be granted. 

3.7.2 These fraternities must provide the following in order to be eligible for new member house status:

a) a complete list of all SSMU members with a copy of McGill student identification cards

b) a complete copy of existing by-laws

c) a complete list of founding chapter members with signatures of participation from each member

3.7.3 If any infractions of non-compliance are committed during this probationary period, the probationary period will be revoked and re-application will be necessary

Article IV - Council

4.1 The governing body of the IGLC shall be known as the IGLC Council (hereinafter �the Council�) and shall be empowered, pursuant to the provisions of this constitution, to make all decisions and take all actions of the IGLC.

4.2 Without limiting the generality of article 4.1, the Council shall be empowered to adopt-bylaws for the sound administration of the IGLC, the conduct of the election of representatives and any other matter which falls within its purview as set out in this constitution.

4.2.1 The adoption, amendment or repeal of by-laws shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Council members present at a meeting properly called pursuant to Article 4.7. Notice of the specific contents of a proposed by-law shall be presented to each member of the council at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which it will be considered.

4.3 The Council shall be empowered to adopt policy.

4.4 The Council shall be composed of the following people:

(a) The members of the IGLC Executive Committee

(b) One representative appointed by and from each member house pursuant to articles 3.3 and 3.4. This representative may be replaced by said member house at any time.

4.5 Each member defined in article 4.4 shall be entitled to one vote in all Council deliberations with and shall hold office for on year from the date of his or her election. Voting during the election of a new Executive Committee follows its own guidelines.

4.6 Meetings of the Council shall be held weekly.

4.7 Quorum for meetings of the council during which a vote is taken shall consist of a simple majority of those members defined in Article 4.4.

4.8 If a decision regarding operations of the IGLC requires a vote, the affirmative vote of the majority of those present at meeting is required for a project to be undertaken.

4.9 Meetings of Council shall be governed by Robert�s Rules of Order except in cases where the rules contained therein contradict the constitution, by-laws, policies or resolutions of the IGLC or the SSMU constitution.

Article V - The Executive Committee

5.1 There shall be and Executive Committee of the IGLC whose membership shall be elected pursuant to the provisions of Articles 6.1 et seq of the this constitution.

5.2 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the daily management of the affairs of the IGLC and, between Council meetings, shall have the powers of the council except with respect to the following matters:

(a) The adoption, repeal or amendment of the constitution, by-laws and policies of the IGLC.

5.3 The executive Committee shall be responsible to the council and at each regular meeting of the latter, it shall submit a report of its activities since the preceding meeting.

5.4 The duties of the President shall be as follows:

(a) To be the ex-officio, non-voting Spokesperson of the IGLC in a manner not inconsistent with the constitution, by-laws and policies of the association;

(b) To chair and co-ordinate all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Council;

(c) To set the agenda for all meetings referred to in (b), supra, subject to approval by vote of the committee concerned.

(d) To settle a tied vote by council.

5.5 The duties of the Vice President (Internal) are as follows:

(a) To perform the duties and responsibilities of the President should the incumbent be, for any reason, unable or prevented from doing so;

(b) To maintain authentic copies of the constitution, by-laws;

(c) To assist the President;

(d) To conduct elections

(e) To be responsible for overseeing the activities internal to the IGLC.

5.6 The duties of the Vice-President (External) shall be as follows:

(a) With the President, to represent the IGLC to the University and wider community;

(b) To plan and organize all events not properly considered as internal to the association; and

(c) To assist the President.

5.7 The duties of the Vice-President Finance shall be as follows:

(a) To be the Chief Financial Officer of the association;

(b) To ensure that the financial affairs of the association are properly managed;

(c) Within two weeks of assuming office, to present a budget for the approval of the Council;

(d) To present a financial statement to the Council and the Executive Committee each month; and

(e) To assist the President.

5.8 The duties of the Vice-President Administration shall be as follows:

(a) To maintain and distribute an accurate contact-list of the members of the Council;

(b) To keep minutes of the Council and the Executive Committee and to distribute same;

(c) To maintain accurate records of the IGLC and transmit same to his or her successor; and

(d) To assist the President.

5.9 A member of the Executive Committee may be impeached, on a motion properly moved and seconded, in the manner prescribed as follows:

(a) The President is informed of the issue concerning the executive member. If the President is the subject of the impeachment, the Vice President Internal is then informed.

(b) The President or Vice President Internal informs the Judicial Board, as defined in article 8, as well as the member being impeached of the situation

(c) The matter is reviewed between the accused and the President or Vice President Internal before the Judicial Board

(d) In any event, the Council must proceed in a manner that is consistent with the principles of fairness.

5.10 With the exception of the President, in which case the Vice-President (Internal) assumes the responsibilities of the office pursuant to Article 5.5(a), in the event of the resignation or removal of any member of the Executive Committee, the Council shall immediately elect a replacement from among its members to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

5.11 Should the office of the President become vacant, a by-election shall be held as soon as possible.

Article VI - Elections

6.1 Elections shall be conducted in accordance with this constitution and any by-laws, duly enacted, concerning the same.

6.2 Elections shall be held annually in March during a meeting duly convened pursuant to the provisions of Articles 4.6 and 4.7, on a date set by a vote of the Council.

6.3 A candidate wins an election by receiving the vote of a plurality of those eligible to vote with respect to the office in question. If there is a tie, another election shall take place as soon as possible with only the names of those candidates who were tied appearing on the ballot. If this is not feasible, the Executive Committee shall vote to decide on the matter.

6.4 Election to the executive committee is conducted by secret ballot, and each member of the Council, excluding the Executive Committee, shall have the right to cast one vote.

6.5 The Vice-President (Internal) shall act as the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) and be responsible for the conduct of the election. If he or she is unable to act as the CRO then the Executive Committee may choose, subject to the ratification of the Council, another member of the IGLC to assume the office.

6.6 Elections to the Executive Committee shall be conducted as follows:

                (a) The Council shall establish, at least 3 weeks beforehand, the date of the election.

(b) Nominations shall close at 20:00 hours one week prior to the election date;

(c) Candidates shall be required to submit, in writing, their candidacy to the Vice President Internal, supported by 25 members of the IGLC. These members must be from at least four different originations under the IGLC with a maximum of 5 candidates from own member house organization.

(d) Candidates shall be afforded the opportunity to speak publicly to their own candidacy and to campaign in a manner determined by the CRO, and, where such is the case, as provided in the constitution of the IGLC.

(e) The votes shall be tabulated by three impartial members of the IGLC, preferably members of the outgoing Executive Committee; and

(f) The numerical results of the vote shall not be disclosed.

Article VII - Policy

7.1 The IGLC shall not participate in, encourage, condone, or organize hazing or pre-initiation practices that do not commensurate with the positive development, welfare and human dignity of future and current members.

7.2 For the purposes of Article 7.1, hazing is defined as any action take, or any situation deliberately created, which produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule or opportunity for harm.

Article VIII - The Judicial Board

8.1 Through the decision of the Executive Council, an IGLC Judicial Board can be established as follows:

(a) As issues regarding impeachment arise, five IGLC member house representatives as chosen to sit on the board by randomly drawing five member house letters during the meeting immediately following the procedure undertaken in article 5.9(a). Formation is completed by the chair of the board as described in article 8.1(c).

(b) No executive members sit on the board.

(c) The board is chaired by the President. If he or she is under impeachment, the Vice President Internal chairs the board.

(d) The first meeting of the board will be a review of the case. The second meeting of the board will determine the outcome through a majority vote.

(d) Votes regarding the impeachment of an executive member must be unanimous in order for dismissal.  

Article IX - Amendments

10.1 This constitution may be amended by the following procedures:

10.1.1 Two Thirds (67%) of the active voting membership shall constitute quorum for the purpose of amending the constitution.

10.1.2 An affirmative vote of two-thirds of members present is required.

10.1.3 All proposed amendments must be submitted to the Vice-President (Internal), as acting Constitutional Officer, at least two weeks prior to the meeting scheduled for the vote.

10.1.4 Upon amendment of this constitution, the Constitutional Officer must submit all amendments to the Vice-President (Clubs and Services) of the SSMU for ratification by the SSMU council.  

Article X

11.1 Any area not covered by this constitution, or if there are any inconsistencies between this constitution and the constitution of the SSMU, the SSMU�s shall have precedence and take effect.

Acknowledgement of the Constitution of the McGill Inter-Greek Letter Council

We have read and understood the Constitution of the McGill Inter-Greek Letter Council approved on  ______________(fill in with date we ratify it).  We agree to abide by the regulations outlined in this Constitution.

Date signed _______________________  

President  ________________________ of the ________________________ Chapter

Member House  ____________________________________________


Alcohol Policy of the McGill Inter-Greek Letter Council

The Inter-Greek Letter Council (IGLC) holds regular events throughout each year.  At these events the IGLC reserves the right to supply and have alcohol present.  We understand, in accordance with the Students Society of McGill University and IGLC Anti-Hazing policy, that participation in IGLC events is not dependent on the consumption of alcohol.  We understand that each individual chapter of each member house is required to abide to their own regulations applicable to alcohol should such regulations be present and that the Inter-Greek Letter Council shall not be held accountable for any violations of these regulations.

Date signed ______________________ 

President  ________________________ of the ________________________ Chapter

Member House  ____________________________________________


McGill Inter-Greek Letter Council Anti-Hazing Contract

Hazing (in accordance to article VII of the McGill IGLC constitution definition) any action taken or situation deliberately created which produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule or opportunity for harm.

IGLC Constitution Article VII, 7.1

The IGLC shall not participate in, encourage, condone, or organize hazing or pre-initiation practices that do not commensurate with the positive development, welfare and human dignity of future and current members.

SSMU Constitution

                All Student�s Society endeavors shall be undertaken with full respect for human dignity.

Under this McGill IGLC Anti-Hazing Policy, sanctions for hazing include:

-         persons, not less than one disciplinary probation for one academic year to be decided upon by a judical board

-         organizations, not less than one year of suspension of privileges and participation in events with IGLC associations

In accordance with the policies of Canadian Law, McGill University, the Student�s Society of McGill University, the Canadian Inter-Fraternity Council, and the McGill Inter-Greek Letter Council harassment of any kind is not permitted.


All complaints, requests, or reports regarding hazing are to be filed with the IGLC Executive officers. 

We have read and understood this Anti-Hazing agreement.  Each alumna, active member, and new member will behave in accordance to the above noted policies and agree to support a zero-tolerance for hazing both on and off campus at McGill University. 

Date signed ______________________  

President  ________________________ of the ________________________ Chapter

Member House  ____________________________________________

� McGill IGLC

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