"Remember that every dark night is always followed by a beautiful morning"

This institutions had been given name as Rumah Anak Yatim & Miskin Sri Kundang.

. Orphan Care Centre And Poor Sri Kundang was established on 20th March 2013 under the auspices of the houses of worship Surau Al-Falah Kg. Baru Kundang, 48020 Rawang, Selangor.

But the shelter was alone when enrollment in the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) under the Societies Act was approved on behalf of CARE CENTRES AND POOR ORPHAN SRI KUNDANG No Registration (SA 02 53910-H).The care centers provide shelter for orphans and children from poor from the states in the peninsula.The overall number of students who are in the orphanage is 43 people. in our pleasure, there are still among us who suffer. Lost family members membuatkn normal life is incomplete. the area to be operated for the creation of a permanent home is a land endowed mosque. However, there are problems faced by the management of the orphanage when Menghadpa severe financial problems for the daily expenses of orphans and permanent placement of their manufacturing costs are high that tens of thousands. However, due to money constraints faced wage arrears of workers experiencing. in this case, the workers still want to work voluntarily da not want anything in return. The child's life is very poor and neglected. People who want to help can contact Ustaz Azmi.

< /strong> **Making it a safest Care Centres for orphans and poor for protection.

**Making a Care Centre which provides the most complete pace for orphans and the poor, especially to education and exposure to IT and so on.

**Care Centres make a most able children form good character in general or orphans, especially those who have experienced discipline problems or who have been caught up in social ills.

**Making an integration center for orphans and the poor in particular to the problems they are experiencing and help save them from abuse, molestation and the like with reference to the Social Welfare Department.

**Trying to become a Care Centre which achieved ISO. Finally, please help us to help children who are less fortunate, either let us give a ray of hope that can brighten their future.


Pengasas : En Nur Azmie Bin Jusoh Setiausaha : Hj Miswan Bin Hj Basar Bendahari : En Mohd Sakeri Bin Mat Jusoh


Ustaz Abd Rashid Bin Yahaya Ustaz Ahmad Bin Abdullah Ustaz Ahmad Zuhairi Bin Abdul Halim Tuan Ami Bin Tuan Mat Pn Nor Lina Nordin

Juru Audit : Hj Aziz Bin Haron Juru Audit : En Wan Azizul Bin Wan Yusof


Warden : Ustaz Bukhari Bin Hamid Tukang Masak : Pn Maznah