From: Christy Kelly ([email protected])
To: "[email protected]"
Date: Saturday - June 19, 2004 6:55 AM

Thanks for the brithday wishes Margo, lmaaao. I gave myself a nice gift and went in swimming at 5 am, used my key and unlocked the pool and did a mile, felt GREAT and now I'm at home and I have the rest of the day to wait for the mail :-D

Hate to say this but I understand BOTH sides of your argument (glad you patched it up and everything's ok now btw)... I totally understand why Brian doesn't want to carry one of those things, always have understood, I know you do too. Just think about it Margo... nobody had those things when we were growing up. You can live without them... and they're EVERYWHERE. There's still a part of me that hates using mine. I think "do I really NEED to make this call." And out in nature, when you're going out to get AWAY from that sort of nonsense, it's really kind of obscene in a way... and if I look at it like that, you know how brian sees it... I totally can see where he's coming from...


...they didn't have CARS and stuff 150 years ago, does that mean that we all should walk everywhere??

much as I dislike cel phones there's a time and a place to use those goddamned things and one of the times and places is when you have a child. it's one more tool to use as a parent. I would have said "brian you take a little first aid kit in your daypack when you go out for a walk, why is a cel phone any different? you wouldn't go out walking around in the woods playing with your first aid kit, you just have it along in case you need it... same with the phone. just put it in your pack and if you need to call, take it out."

you weren't gonna call HIM, were you? I bet that's one thing he was bugged about... that he'd be out there and the thing would ring.

Why didn't you just call me on monday night, I would have mediated this whole thing for you before it got out of hand??

And did you REALLY just let your phone ring in your office five times on Tuesday when he called???? he must have wanted to KILL you, but then that was the point, right?

Well you guys resolved it so that's what counts and I hope you got a nice little jump last night, lol, that way at least one of us did. cruel cruel fate, being preggers makes me horny in a way, and marty still is pretty much nervous to go near me.

the baby was really active last night, kept me up for a while. guess I better get used to THAT, huh??

Loved that book by the way that you got me about breastfeeding.... I just got around to reading it this week. lots of pictures and drawings, lmaaaao.

I'll let you know if I get any surprises today Margo... thanks again for the brtidayh wishes. God don't you hate it when your fingers do that. Everyone i know who works with a computer has that happen to them... the worst is when you can't WRITE. I was at Giant thursday trying to write a check and I had to void it, the letters weren't going down on the paper right. I kept leavoing letters out, I initialed corrections twice, finally I just said to the guy, look, let me just give you my mac card, lmao.

I wonder what the name is for that, it's something to do with the computer, I know it is... where your mind can't slow down to the speed of your body.

Thanks most of all for the birthday blessings and prayers and your friendship Margo... I love you too!!!!

And don't think I forgot that tomorrow is YOURS... talk to ya today or tomorrow sometime I'm sure... right now I'm gonna go have some cherries, they're SO fresh...

Say HI to brian and becca for me! xoxoxoxox love you christy

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