The Biography of Mats Olausson

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©2002 Mats Olausson

 Born in Gothenburg-Sweden 1961.  At an early age I started to jingle around on the piano, in my family home.  At the age of seven I began taking formal piano lessons.   Starting with the basics, and later moving on to more complex studies.  These were mostly classically oriented.   As a teenager,  I went thru the usual period of playing with different band-mates in someone's basement or garage.   My influences back then were bands like ELP Genesis and Yes.   So naturally we tried to sound like these bands, as much as possible.   A few years later I hooked up with the band Motvind, and started touring and recording with them.  

   Thru most of the 80's,  I was living in Stockholm working as a session-musician, with lot's of different artists and bands.   In 1986,  I was touring with Jean Beauvoir in the US opening for Eurythmics.   I also did one album with Jean B. titled "Jackknifed".   I joined Yngwie Malmsteen late 1989 and became a member of his band for almost 12 years.  

   Lately I've been recording with Mike Vescera, and also writing music for V-KOM.  Currently I'm about to start recording my second album with the band ARK , which I'm a member of.   Look for more details on this in the near future.


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