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An attempt to lure Dr. Isibor back, and a chance for Dan to mention Crotchless Leather Hakamas

Dear Dr. Isibor,   

Free at last, free at last, thank Feanor almighty, I'm finally free at last!  Sorry for the exuberance, but over this past weekend, I gave notice to Saruman and am no longer in the employ of that evil wizard. Compounding that good news is that I am now the Head Administrative Assistant to Mr. Smeagol who is CEO of one of the companies newly owned by Mr. Grey (the former associate of Saruman whom Saruman was constantly going on about).  I wish I knew the source of the bad blood between those two, Saruman and Mr. Grey.  I believe they were both in the same college fraternity together, the Istari.  I know Mr. Grey is still in touch with two of their brothers Mr. Alatar and Mr. Pallandro - I wonder if they would have any insights?  Ah, well.  I'm just glad to be away from Saruman and his latest associates at Big Eye.   

Anyway, its fascinating working at a new company and Gollum's Precious Crotchless Leather Hakamas Amalgamated is already really feeling like home.  The name's a bit long, but they make the best products.  I was worried for a while I was going to have to go back to working with my cousin Girma at Wormtounge Interior Designs or ramble on somewhere else.   

Anyway, enough of my personal life (I'm just very excited at my future) - sorry to bore you with it all.   

To the point - I did want you to know that I've contacted Mr. Grey and Mr. Smeagol about your predicament in trying to help out Mrs. Maria Norman trying to move her property from the Ivory Coast to the UK.  Both felt horribly at her treatment by Saruman and have gladly offered to help.  They both know first hand how difficult it can be to move an item, even something as small as a ring, from one place to another.  We, sir, are at your disposal.  Let us know how we can be of assistance.  Also, please let us know how we may contact Mrs. Norman and apprise her of the situation.   

Thanks very much for your time,   


Radagast Brown, AA 
Gollum's Precious Crotchless Leather Hakamas Amalgamated 
365 Bagshot Row 
Shire, Middle Earth UK

And the next day,

Dr. Isibor,

Mr. Smeagol is very interested in persuing this
matter. Please contact us at your earliest
convenience to arrange a transfer of money so we can
aid Mrs. Norman.


And finally, from Saruman

To all suppliers to Orthanc Towers Condominium

We have received word that some of you have been
contacted by a former employee, Ragagast Brown.

Please note that he has recently left the employ of
this corporation, and does not speak for Orthanc
Towers. Our business continues as before.

Thank you for your continued support.

Saruman White, CEO
Orthanc Towers Condominium Complex

So, it appears that our scammer was boggled by all the email he was receiving, or maybe the content was all to weird, or who knows?  Maybe he finally visited a bookstore or saw the movie at his local equivalent of Blockbuster?

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