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First, the reply to my longer email.

Attn: Mr White Saruman,


Please go ahead and make the payment and send the receiving information,

Sending information:

 Mr. Jeffrey Omoriodion.(Accounting Dept)

Global Links Security and Commission, 

Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire.

Thank You.

Dr Jessy Isibor,

Manager Operations,


Then to the short email:

Attn: S.White,


Please Stop Contacting this Company if you are not for business, we are here for serious business sir, I am afriad that we may soon stop communicating with you if you so sound the way you have being.

Thank You,

Your's Faithfully,


Manager Operations,


Now, the great thing here is if this were a real business, he'd drop me pretty quickly for the name calling.  However, since there's always the chance he might get money out of me...

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