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Subject: Thanks for Nothing

Dear Mr. Thabo:
 It didn't come as a total surprise that you didn't
 contact me today. You've been fairly useless so far,
 so a continuation of that was to be expected I guess.
 I just wanted you to know that my trip wasn't totally
 wasted at least. By a stroke of luck I met a
 gentleman at the bar who is looking for investors
 for an upcoming venture. The money I brought with me
 will secure a position.
 So, thanks for nothing. Mr. Brown and I have much
 to discuss.
 Don Morgan
 Capt. USAF
 Area 51

Dear Don,
If you think i have time to waste with people
like you then think again, do you really think you can
fool me i have checked out and you are nowhere near
africa, (that's true, but I highly doubt he checked any further than calling the hotel) if you want to play game go ahead but i would
suggest you find yourself a play mate.

Do not send any more messages to me and forget we ever
had anything to do with each other and good luck with
your new partner.

Thanks, (At least he's cordial)

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