This cover is from a 1966 Fan Club magazine produced by the late Maggie (Finch) Mitchell. There has always been a fascination of seeing Roy without his specs - here we see him showing his physique (just for the Ladies)

I would like to dedicate this page as a lasting memory of Maggie and here is an example of the fine work she put together month after month for many years. This edition is taken from March 1967.


Hi There                                 MARCH 1967
      Roy is with us once  again in Britain and the tour programme is well under way. It is really great to have him with us so soon, although he has a tightly packed schedule he has managed to find a few minutes for a chat with a few of his members.

Our first steps in bonding the club came with the first -house show at the Finsbury Park Astoria  where a block of seats in the third to sixth rows was fully occupied by members and friends, all very appreciateive of Roy and very conspicuous by thier orderly conduct throughout the show campared to the swaying, screaming mass which surround them.

Any first-night pop show is basically chaotic and very noisy, much to the disappointment of anybody who is anxious to see and listen to the show, and the Astoria was certainly no exception.In fact the noise seemed even more uncontrolable even throughout Roy's act. I can certainly see the reasons given for missing out attending one of Roy's shows because of the type of audience who were there to support the other acts and seem to be encouraged in their hysteria.

The Programme was compared by Ray Cameron whio has previously toured with Roy and has a very difficult job. He introduced the first act Sonny Childe and the TNT, a ten-piece predominantly sax-band with soul-beat, and then followed on the Settlers with their folk-type music and singing. Misfortune seemed to strike Jeff Beck,for his act ended suddenly and quite unexpectedly to the slight embarrassment of the compere. At the introduction of the Small Faces and the dropping  of the lights, Sheer pandemonium broke loose, with girls crying and screaming and a surge twards the stage, pictures, banners and flags waving (confiscated by the management), and the 


bombardment of the stage with gifts, handbags and .,.....,,  The amplification coupled with the general uproar of the audience only managed to produce one big glorious noise.

The interval gave the Orbison members, who were from all parts of the country, a good chance to quickly make themselves known to other, It had been my intention to come and meet some of you in the interval but back-stage security with locked doors prevented me from getting through,

Following on the interval came The Robb Storme Group, and Paul and Barry Ryan, Once again we had a hysterical audience which managed to over-ride.'the Ryan'twins most of the time,

On came The Candy Men for a spot of their own This is Roy's own backing group from America and their second visit to Britain, and went into a vocal with guitars, organ and drums, The general noise put the' group  to  great  disadvantage,  They eventualLy vamped out to the introduction of "the Star of the show, Roy Orbison", who came on stage immaculate in black shirt and trousers, and behind those dark glasses a big smile for a wild applause and at 8.15 it was "Only The Lonely".  Roy' s voice managed to 'carry over; the' general hub-bub of noise, and soon we heard "Lana", Then followed "To Soon To Know", and the latest release "So Good".  In spite of the distraction of noise our members were appreciative of what they could hear, and with good seating positions Roy was visible all the time,  A little surprise with "Leah" just as fresh as ever and a great favourite, and the hand-clapping in time to "Mean Woman Blues' with the  squeals on the growl,   Onto  "It's Over"  still a hit, then the horrible realisation that "Oh, Pretty Woman" was our last number, The curtains closed, the show was over for the very first programme,

I am always critical of first-night first-house shows as these always seem to attract the noisier element who are not prepared to give other people a chance to enjoy the show, They are attracted by noise and do their best to become part of it, and one can only hope that as the tour progresses this will quieten down, I can only forsee a decline in attendance of an older.or more appreciative audience if they are unable to enjoy the programne, perhaps this why there appears to be a dropping off with all the major tours,

I must mention -that the block of seats occupied by members at the Astoria was clearly visible from the stage and wings, because this was the only part of the theatre which was orderly, and I like to feel that perhaps Roy was playing specially for his many members he knew were there to listen to good music.


  After the first-house show many members made their way to the stage door, I'm sorry that I was unable to help most of you to meet Roy for a few minutes, for although Roy was all for the idea, the management of the theatre said no because of the large numbers of press etc who were filling the narrow corridors, and something to do with the fire regulations, I mention this because the same sort of thing applies at most of the theatres, the decision rests entirely with the Manager of the theatre, and as I said Roy is always quite prepared to give a little of his jam-packed time providing he isn't committed with press and interviews,  Throughout this tour Roy is having to fit in interviews of well over a hundred prospective applicants for the position of "Nanny" (or childrens Nurse), So it could well be that there will be very little time available.

  I have heard that a few or our members make for the stage door after coming from .the last-house in the hopes of seeing Roy as he leaves, Those who have tried this have usually been disappointed because Roy, leaves the theatre straight off stage (not always via the stage door) and is away; in a waiting vehicle before the audience have had a chance to get out from the show, This sharp getaway is to enable Roy to go for a meal prior to his next scheduled journey, or for early bed for when an early start is needed,

  Although it was rather late I'm so happy that I managed to meet some of you personally and have a chat, I seemed to be there for ages but now you are no longer just names at the bottom of a letter, It was really wonderful, and Jimmy, my husband managed to meet many more of you in the theatre on my behalf (and he enjoyed it).


  Roy was due to arrive at London Airport at 7,40 a,m.on 1st March, a mild bright morning with about a dozen members present to greet him, We were all rather wary in view of a ban on fans at the Airport which has been imposed because or the recent troubles with Monkees fans, but no problems were experienced and we:were all surprised to find that Roy had.arrived some three-quarters of an hour earlier than schedule and was waiting about in the Customs hall, there being no transport to meet him. Roy was quick to come and shake hands and chat with each of his members present, and of course this was ideal for a large number of pictures to be taken, Chats with the Candy Men, an exchange of introductions, a quick sort out, and everybody departed in cars to central London,

 Back at the hotel, a discussion on tickets and other arrangements, and we all left to let Roy have a quick sleep before a busy session of interviews and photographs. then in the evening the relaxation of


a visit to see Tom Jones opening at "The Talk of the Town".

The next day, Thursday was taken up with sessions at the BBC, and We all enjoyed our first T.V. viewing of Roy giving us 'So Good"in Top of the Pops,

Other BBC shows included "Pop Inn" on Tuesday 7th March, 'Parade of the Pops" on the Wednesday in which Roy was interviewed about the nanny position, A further short interview on Friday in the programme "international Spin" when Roy spoke of his German discs,
Other programmes include "Monday,Monday" - Mon 13th March; Joe Loss Show Friday 7th April. On BBC T,V, "Crackerjack" Wed. 15th March,There is a possible for the new Simon Dee Show (BBC, TV) on Tues, 4th April, also a possible ATV Colour Spectacular on 28th March,
This is not a definite date and is proposed for the American network in colour, and may be transmitted in Britain in Black Be White, but again dates have not been decided.

Whilst in Scotland at Glasgow a Radio Scotland interview, and at Leeds a Radio  270 interview.

There are no plans for a Palladium show due to tight schedules,

The new single in Britain got off to a bad start with the charts,
and was one of the first discs to suffer "Payola" on Caroline, in that it had introductory play the week prior to release but no play during the following week as it was not in the National charts.
However currently Caroline seem to be playing it well, but oh,how I'd love to hear the flip played occasionally, There seems to be little spin on London, but requests through the BBC programmes are collecting plenty of play,

National chartings read: Record Mirror (Top 50) 41 - 34 - 34;
Disc & Music Echo.(Top 50) 47 - 47 - 48; Melody Maker (Pop 50)
-47 - 48. New Musical Express (Top 30) no entry,  Radio 270 have charted for two weeks at 32 - 12,

The disc is released in the U.S. on M,G,M. label No, 13685·

'Juke Box Jury" spun the record and along with many of you I was waiting for the expected biased criticism, and was most;surprised when David Jacobs said the panel should only vote on the disc as they were short of time etc, (Accepted) Without any discussion Simon Dee and Jimmy Saville voted "Hit", and Pete Murray and Alan Freeman uoted "Miss", The casting voter placed it as a Miss, Suddenly, much to


everyone's amazement the programme continued with a spin of "Georgy Girl" by The Seekers, and I suddenly felt incensed when a full discussion by all the panel followed, I was very angry that Roy's record should be ignored and Straight off wrote to the BBC protesting at this:treatment, I got the same postcard acknowledgment that many of you received but I think we will have got the point over.

What did the: papers say? The Sunday Express said "I think he's trying to cheer up his image with this beat rather than ballad number. Always liked his ballads though", Disc said "The thing is, when you have grown up with a sound as I did with Orbison's - you naturally tend to expect more, as the years pass. Anyway, this is particularly hard to judge as it has Roy singing very lightly on a fairly inconsequential song, all happy and bouncy about how good it is to have her around.I prefer him on the Heartbreak stuff, but this is quite jolly".

Record Mirror: "Great Scott, Roy in a thoroughly happy mood!, Makes a change songwise and this could easily be a monster hit, All lightness and brightness and his voice fair hovers above a well-presented backing chorus, As ever with Roy, the production is well-nigh perfect, Flip -well-performed and well-written",
Tipped for the charts in New Musical Express,it continued;"Like Dusty,the Big 'O' is has also abandoned his big-ballad approach in favour of a light-hearted bouncer. And by no stretch of the imagination could any cynic describe this as 'sick'!" Has a jaunty rhythm, with a group chanting in support - and what I like about it is that the backing isn't too overpowering. Wouldn't describe this as one of his more memorable numbers, but it's gay, happy-go-lucky and toe-tapping, and his' British visit is bound to make it' a fairly big one, Flip - personally I prefer this side, A nostalgic rock-a-ballad with a very pleasant melody line and a big-build crescendo,' An extremely good 'B' side".

In blind Date in Melody Maker, Alan Blakley of Tke Tremoloes wrote "It's not Orbison is it? I don't like it, I was going to put it down as a stupid group recording and then in comes Orbison, It starts like a group practising in a pub, No, this just isnt his sort of thing",

Chris Innocent,lead singer of The Oasis writes in Hornchurch Echo
" the best he's done for ages and I'm willing to bet that this change of Style will put him right back where he deserves - in the top ten, "So Good", yet another creation or the Orbison-Dees partnership,starts ·like one .of his usual ballads and then breaks into a fast, beaty number with Beach Boys style backing. Even such corny words cannot affect the quality of his voice and he seems to be enjoying every minute of this one,The flip memories' would make an excellent poem,


All that is needed is a piano, soft drums and Roy's superb voice, no studio gimmicks - just a plain but beautiful slow ballad. Best flip for ages, If this isn't a hit, I mill make it one, as I will go and buy every copy there is (if he will lend me the money)''.

And for a corny comment from a Scottish paper " good it won't even make a Maltese cross".

Release of this album now moved to March 17th. First indications if you are a truely Country & Western fan then you will love this record. My special first-time favourites are "Blue, Blue Day", Give Myself A Party" and 'What About Me", Uggh, that horrible sleeve!

The late inclusion of Roy -v- Tom Jones in last month's magazine didn't give us much chance for casting our votes - but - in case you didn't hear the eventual result the figures were Roy Orbison  1844: Tom Jones 126 (yes,  that's right, 1,718 difference!)

THe recent tour of Australia included sell-out audiences of over 1O,OO0 each at four concerts in the Sydney Stadium, There were similar overflow houses for shows at Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane, There were also heavy bookings for the shows in New Zealand at Christchurch, Wellington and Aukland,

"Communication Breakdown" during early February was jumping in and out of the charts, and. on the West Coast on 6KY reached 20 for two weeks of its three of second entry after a gap of four weeks out. From the National Charts Top 20 it entered at 14 then to 12, while another National chart placed it at 13 - 11, In the area chartsts it rated Melbourne 29-14; Sydney 8-10; Adelaide 4-6; Brisbane 12-11; Perth - no chartings as these are for the top 15 only, positions were 13-13-14 but these are all for early February.  The flip "Going Back To Gloria" has been getting stacks of alrplay especially on the "square" stations,

No charting information just yet on "There Won't Be Many Coming Home which has been released with the flip "City Life",

The Romford show, first-house (5.45 p.m,) on Sunday gth April carrries a block booking of 42 seats at 15/-. The seats are F28-38, G28-38, H28-39, J32-39. Looking stagewards these are to the left,



   The tickets are in the course of posting and have been reserved as follows:

Pat Penny, London, W14      1    Shirley Wellsted, Maidstone 1
Carol Davies, Boreham Wood  3    Sadie Field, London, EC1    1
Heather Firkins, Walthamstow2    Margery Brown, Barnsley     1
Keith Miller, Teddington    1    Sheila Hamilton, Slough     1
Chris Innocent, Hornchurch  8    Heather Hamilton, London,N7 2
Phyllis Bevington, Ascot    1    Self                        1
Mrs Scrutchings Harold Hill 2    Geo, Linford, Romford       3
Margaret Corpe, Seven Kings 1    Jean Binks, Forest Gate     2
Irene Brown, Market Drayton 1    Ron Hatton, Portsmouth      2
Don Bruce, Harrow           2    PauLine Leeks, Southend     2
Elsie Moss, Brentwood       1    Russell French, Farnboro    1

Where any monies are still outstanding will you please let me have this as quickly as possible to enable the tickets to be issued.

I know there will be members from other parts of the country who have made their own bookings and I will be delighted to meet you, You are all welcome to look in at my home address during the course of the afternoon, Quite a few are already dropping in,and if there are sufficient people I'11 see if I can arrange for transport into Romford if you can let me know, (Bus routes 174 & 87 run from Romford to Pompadours, Harold Hill).


This tour has given us the first opportunity at several places of meeting numbers of other Orbison enthusiasts, and I know of coaches running in the Bournmouth, Birmingham  and other areas, and plans have been discussed for Edinburgh for possible future trips for shows. This club is verv alive to the need for social contact but the main problem is the long distances to be covered, I am still in favour of some form of major get-together where members would be able to meet each other, and perhaps with Roy honouring us with his company it is only the pressure of obligations which have so far prevented this from taking place, and Roy has it continually in mind, yoU will have seen that the Australian Club have achieved the first honour with Roy accompanying them on a coach trip picnic,

  Meanwhile several members are planning for local meetings to discuss records, or listen to tapes, arrange swops, dance, or make other arrangements as they may require. This has great possibilities if a suitable meeting place can be found, a room at the local Social Hall or perhaps a room over a cafe or pub, these can usually be


hired for a nominal sum for the evening.

I would like to hear from anybody who would like to organise local meetings (Perhaps monthly) and will publish details in the magazine. This could work especially well in Belfast,Dublin and Glasgow which have a strong membership, and in fact most of the major towns.

The first areas where activity is planned are in the South and if you live in close proximity drop a line to:

Don Bruce, The Shieling, 36 Pinner View, Harrow Middx.
Robert Roche, 30 Graham Road, Worthing, Sussex,

This latter address has organised a coach trip to see Roy's show at Bournemouth for Sat. 1st April and I understand that they still have a few vacant positions.

We haven't had a raffle for quite a few months so here it is again. Same as before, 1/- a go, profits go into the Social Fund, and the prize this month is a mystery Long Play Record or 1O tracks and is certainly a collectors piece for those who do not already possess it. For those who have already sent in raffle money over the past few months, your tickets have already gone into this draw.


There have been quite a lot of instances of mail not reaching me with the  consequential loss of postal orders and a cheque.  To ensure that your postal order is not cashed by any unauthorised person will you please make them out to "The Roy Orbison Club", and for extra safety draw two lines across the face of it, With crossed lines the P.O, can only be paid through a Bank account It's movement is traceable, also please try to keep your counterfoil until you know I have received any monies that you may have sent You will know that the cash is safe if you receive items or if it is for tickets or raffle or donation I always make an acknowledgement within a few days.


I nave been issueing the coloured picture membership card for over a year  and as such every  member should by now have one of these. When your renewal is due (you will be sent a reminder at the time) a new card will not be issued except where the original is dog-eared or tatty, but please send it in for checking when



renewing,It will be returned to YOU if autographed or requested


It's rather. a pity that (so far as I know) Roy will not be with us for his birthday on 23rd April, So any birthday cards will have to:be mailed well in advance of this date. Please let me have your cards as soon as possible, as before marking the top corner of the envelope with "C" so.that it doesn't get opened by mistake with the normal mail. Roy reads all his cards and as such they are very personal to him.

As with previous years me will be buying Roy a gift from the Club and if you wish to send a sum towards this I would appreciate it over the next few weeks if possible as once again our present will have to be sent by air mail to arrive in time.


   Very often my mail includes questions on the Club, about Roy, his records, tours, etc, and where I can the answer is given in your personal reply.
There are a lot of questions which I do not know the answer, and others which are very personal to Roy and as such nothing will be forthcoming,

   What I intend to do is start a Q & A spot in the magazine, and while Roy is in Britain will try to get answers to interesting questions,so if there is anything definite you wish to know, mark Your query for the magazine,


 Hi there,

                      ORBISON PRODUCTIONS INC,

No doubt some of you will have noticed an article in the New Musical Express (3.3,67) stating that; Roy is forming his own record company, This however will not be his first attempt at recording other artistes.

 In 1963 he formed a company called Orbison Productions Inc. which was located at 530, W.Main, Hendersonville Tennessee (Monument Studios), Here, Roy Roy produced recordings for Bobby Goldsboro, Bill Dees, and a country 'pop' singer by the name of Gene Thomas. Gene recorded at least six 'Big O' compositions, three of which were released in Britain.

Baby's Gone:- R.Orbison/B.Goldsboro. Released Britain on United Artists - UP - 1047.



Bobby & the Boys:- R,Orbison/P.C.Buie. Released in US, only on United Artists 725.
Last Song, The:- R,Orbison/B.Dees, Released in U.S, on United Artistes 725 - and included in an album released in Britain called "Full House" United Artists.
Peace of Mind:- R,Orbison/G.E. Thomas, Released in the U,S, only on United Artists 583.
The Puppet:- R Orbison/B,Goldsboro.  Not sure whether this was released, but could well have been the flip of "Peace of Mind".
Stand by Love:- R Orbison/B GoIdsboro, Released in Britain on the flip of "Baby's Gone".  This is the only beat number of the six,

The standard of these recordings were excellent and so whenever this new venture begins I feel sure that Orbison fans everywhere will wish Roy Orbison, record producer, every success,

22 Fenelon Place,
Warwick Road,
London W14

Best regards MICK


This.section is run to help members with their collections of Orbison recordings. Any records listed which are not sung by Roy are in some way connected with him, whether numbers which he has composed or sessions he has produced.
When ordering records do not send any money but enclose a stamped-addressed envelope for reply, This gives everyone a fair chance as some magazines arrive earlier than others and therefore these members would be able to order earlier, As several people may want the same record we will draw for each disc (as in a raffle) ten days after the last magazine has gone out, You will then be informed if the record listed is available for you, Then,and only then should you send a postal order.
 Every care is taken with packing records but the Club cannot accept responsibility for any records damaged or lost in the post, it is regretted that due to postal difficulties and costs records cannot be sent overseas

All correspondence regarding the Club Shop should be sent to Mick Perry, 22 Fenelon Place, Warwick Road, London, W 14

  Roy Orbison     In Dreams/Shahdaroba                London



Roy Orbison   Pretty Paper/Summersong                  London
" " (Say) You're My Girl/Sleepy Hollow                 London
" "  Ride Away/Wondering                               London
Mark Dinning  Come Back To Me (My Love)/The Lovin'Touch MGM
The Allisons Sugar Love/Sweet & Lovely                 Fontana
The Federals  Leah/Bucket Full of Love               Parlophone
Bob Luman (Empty Walls) A Lonely Room/
          Run On Home Baby Brother                     Hickory

All the above singles 4/- each including post & packing

S.O.S. from Michael Goddard (age 20) of Searchlight Cripples Workshop Newhaven, Sussex. asks if any members in the locality could arrange to pick up and take back for him to see Roy on stage at Romford on April 9th. Can anybody help please?  Michael would also love to meet any members any weekend in Newhaven for a chat.

 To Adrienne Barnard, 96 Ramsden Street, Barrow-In Furness, Lancs. who became engaged on her 20th birthday on 18th February to Norman Storey of Barrow.
To Margaret Lambie, 6 Bridestow Walk Hattersley, Hyde, Cheshire engaged last October 29th and forgot to tell me.
To Ann Kearsley, 52 High ParK Road, Southport, Lancs who's saving hard to get married next July. And to a Lancashire member (I won't name her & spoil her chances) who is to have an interview for the nanny position.

Shirley Kingdon, 7 Store Farm Bead Newbiggin-by-Sea, Northumberland is 17 years old and would like a pen pal, male or female at home or abroad.
Rosemary Sandell, 396 Mill Road, Cambridge is 18 and collects records - a great fan of Roy's, Small Faces and the Rolling Stones. would like a pen pal, male or female (if male, please try to be tall).
William Kearns, 24 Bardrainey Ave., Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire would like to contact other members in the Clydeside area,he says "on the banks of the River Clyde the nicest place in the world."
June Creevy, 77 O'Molloy Street, Tullamore, Co Offaly,Ireland, would like a male pen pal age about 21.


Una Boyle, Derrybeg,Letterkenny, Co.Donelgal, Ireland would like a male pen pal around the age of 15-16, anywhere in the world except Ireland. Una will be 15 on April 7th and her hobbies are playing records, reading and collecting photos of pop groups.
Mrs Judith Pass 46 Zoar Street Morley Leeds lists her interests (between housework) as Roy, reading, jigsaws,dressmaking, whilst her husband is interested in Jerry Lee Lewis and has most of his records. Judith, who is 23, would be delighted to hear from anybody.

Yes, it's the old Sales, Wants & Exchanges section with a name all of it's own where you can advertise anything without charge. Please keep your ad. as brief as possible.

Jean Binks, 179 Boleyn Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 has for sale LP "Best Of The Beach Boys" almost brand-new 25/-. Also Roy's "The Classic RO", "Oh Pretty Woman" LP £1. Singles in excellent condition, Stones "Let's Spend the Night Together" 5/- Seekers "Morningtown Ride" 5/-; Bobby Darin's "If I were a Carpenter" 4/6; Ike & Tina Turner "River Deep, Mountain High" 4/-; Jay and the Americans "Crying" and "Living above your head" 4/- each plus all Roy's singles from "Only The Lonely" to "So Good" prices on request.
    Gail Anderson, 12 Denham Way, Barking Essex. For US members articles on Monkees and xerox copies of articles on Roy - first come first served. Also will exchange unused copy "There Won't Be Many Coming Home" for Waylon Jennings "Thats What You Get For Loving Me".
    Peggy Ward, 9 Wampatuck Road, Quincy, Mass. 02169, USA Would love to recieve any clippings about Roy's British Tour.
    Elaine Hill, 11 North Road, Cranwell Village, nr Sleaford, Lancs. asks if anyone has the "Sound of Music" soundtrack for sale or exchange also pictures of ROy. please write for details.
    Ashley Nicholson, 38 Nicholl Road, Harlesden, London NW10. is searching for a copy of "Lonely and Blue".
    Annabel Prior, 46 Gainsborough Road, Great Barr, Birmingham 22 has for sale "Baby Please Dont Go"/"Gloria" Them; "Dragonfly"/"Hymn for Teenagers" The Tornados; "Girl Dont Come"/"I'd Be Far Better Off Without You" Sandie Shaw; "High Time"/"I cant Hold On Much Longer" Paul Jones; "Queen For Tonight" Helen Shapiro; "Dont Push Me" Hedgehoppers Anonymous; "Look Before You Leap" Dave Clark Five; "There Isnt Anything" Gidian; "I Feel Fine" Beatles; "Bus Stop" Hollies
"Sha La LA LA Lee" Small Faces; "This Golden Ring" 


Fortunes; "The One In The Middle" EP & "No Living Your Loving" EP, both Manfred Mann. singles 3/6 to 4/-. Wanted Roy;s "It's Over" and "Borne On THe Wind"; The Animals "Baby Let Me Take You Home".
Mrs. A Black, 30 Cottingham Park Road, Wimbledon, London SW20.,has for sale  "The Orbison Way" and "The Classic RO" lps at 15/- each These are in good condition and are being replaced by stereo.
Jukka Wallenius, Kirkjaskatu 2 D 72, Valeakoski, Finland would like to exchange his "Pretty Paper", Goodnight", "Say You're My Girl" "Ride Away" & Crawling Back" for other singles by Roy. They've been played only a couple of times then taped.
    Cathy Stowe, 13 Leyland Road, Burnley Lancs. has some pictures, plain and coloured of Cliff Richard, would swop for Roy's. Also a few back numbers of Club mag. and a few record mags.

Derek Neill of 3 Loganlea Drive, Edinburgh 7., says if any member would like to hear Roy's songs sung 'live' on tape, the doors open Mon. to Thurs. after 6pm and in the Leeds area if you take potluck you may find Mr and Mrs Judith Pass, 46 Zoar Street, Leeds at home and will be delighted to welcome any member.


Hello Everybody,
     Here I  am again, back to give you a few more hints on record care.
I hope you found my last article interesting and I trust that all of you guilty ones dashed out  to your local record shop and replaced your worn styli.
     This month I'd like to tell you how to keep your records clean and also how to store your records correctly, because that's very important too
     When you buy your records, singles, EPS or LPs they are supplied with sleeves. The sleeve is not just for decoration but to protect them from dust. In case yo are wondering what damage dust can do to a record, I will tell you. It's like this, as the stylus travels in the groove it grinds any dust that may be lying on the surface of the record further into the groove. The result of this is that you are wearing both the stylus and record out far quicker than you should do. Also when you pick up your records, avoid touching the grooves because because very fine perspiration on the fingers leaves an invisible but sticky impression which makes the dust stick more firmly. An obvious fingerprint will attract even more dust. Do try and remember to put your records back into their sleeves as soon as you have finished with them. I know it's a bother but believe me, you'll be saving yourself money in the end.


 There are several ways to keep your records clean, all of them very easy, but by far the easiest and cheapest is to wipe the records with a special cleaning sponge or cloth, Please note that I said special sponge or cloth, don't use an ordinary duster or bath sponge as these will be too coarse and could scratch your records,
 The proper sponges and cloths are impregnated with anti-static fluid which helps the record to reject the dust. If you are wondering how much these sponges and cloths cost and thinking about all the expense, don't Worry,  they only cost 2/6d which is not a lot when you consider all the good it is doing,

  Are you one of those people who store your records all over the floor? You are? Then the next paragraph is for you.

The correct way to store your records is in an upright position, NEVER flat, or leaning to one side, as this will certainly lead to the records becoming warped. when storing your records another thing to remember is to keep them away from heat I don't mean you should put them in the 'fridge, but don't leave them near a fire, or in front of a window, and NOT on your record player turn-table as the heat from the motor can be enough to warp the record. Another bad place is on top of the television,

If you follow the few hints that I have been able to pass on to you this past couple of months you'll find that your records will Last much longer' and you will get more enjoyment from them. So let's make this K,T,R.Y, i.e, "Kindness To Records Year , this year and every year,
  Here endeth this lecture, I hope you will continue to enjoy your records,
                                  Sincerely  Anne-Marie

84, Stanley Road, Worthing, Sussex.


The "Don Gibson" album can be described as a kind of experiment and Is'unique in that it is the only album that Roy has undertaken without using any of his own material and confining it to the songs of one singer, Many members have at times discussed the merits and suggested Roy recording specific songs which have already' been recorded by other artistes, and coupled with this is the feeling that Roy is getting away from the material by which he has been accepted and for which he is best known. It seems felt that




generally that although Roy can carry most types or song, the bouncy type of current pop materials are not readily accepted by the public at large; and that nothing in recent times can anywhere compare with his earlier hit songs of the beat-ballad kind. Some top items hav been tucked into albums but have not enjoyed the exposure of singles and unless Joe Public buys an L,P. (a costly item) he does not know they exist and judges on the recent singles he may hear. Roy has been thinking about the problem and we can probably find. that the Gibson material, besides being favourites of Roy, is in the nature of a trial

   No man is a machine and therefore cannot be expected to churn A,1 songs to a specified time schedule and a prescribed pattern, Even the prolific Beatles cannot keep up the pace and some of their songs enter the charts on 'brand-name' and are quickly forgotten.

   Roy is very interested in finding out your thoughts on possibilities of recording material by other artistes, either by title or style which may be suitable and I would love to hear from you on this, but please keep it seperate from your ordinary mail.

  Whilst we are talking about possibilities, Roy says that the present tour of Britain will possibly be the last of its kind, Roy hopes to undertake concerts,say at the Albert Hall or Festival Hall, and concert halls in major cities, and undertake caberet work such as "Talk of the Town" Roy would appear for about an hour and sing with full string orchestration. This is a complete break-away from the one-night pop shows which are currently in vogue with its whipped up hysteria, Remember, this is only a possibility and not definite. It is what Roy would like to do.

Various reports have appeared that Roy is to remarry and the newspapers give details of an airline hostess, Roy had not seen the original report and was rather; amused when it was shown to him, He wishes you to know that he has no plans as indicated in the press, and remarks attributed him have been taken out of context, If I can explain, at one interview Roy was asked if he intended to remarry, he agreed that he would eventually like to remarry, and to my mind this is quite understandable, He, was further asked if he was dating and again agreed, and was then further asked who was his last date.For date I merely translate as companionship, and Roy does specifically say that he has no Immediate plans for remarrying, but of course he does hope to one day,



    Prior to the Birmingham show Roy made a quick tour of the BSA factory to see the motorbikes.  When asked the name of his new record company Roy invented one on the spur of the moment and called  it "Orbisonic". Hadleigh Essex, Kingsway Theatre added to itinery Tues. 7th March and reasons for large numbers of empty seats - the tickets had the wrong date on them. Vince Hill has recorded "In Dreams", says the high notes just about killed him and Roy can have a go at his "Eidelweiss". Parade of the Pops on BBC recieved over 200 postcards for Roy on the current programme. Denny Piercy says in the history of the programme over 5 and a half years Roy is the most requested artist with Russ Conway following.
Jeff Beck withdrew from the tour programme after the first night. After Finsbury Park Roy went to a midnight charity show and was acknowledged by Princess Margaret. Present at the first night, Scott Engel and Jonathon King. Roy Orbison and Gene Pitney playing twin towns Southampton and Portsmouth on 16th March.

    Because Roy was unable to meet us personally at a get-together he has asked to be permitted to make payment of the members seats in the club block-bookings at Finsbury Park, Manchester and Romford. I think this is really terrific that Roy should think of us like this - his way of saying thank-you to his members, and may I  on behalf of everyone concerned express our gratitude to Roy - a very big thank-you from us.
    I Will write to those members concerned in due course, but those who already know have expressed a wish for their refund to be put to the Social Fund I shall be glad if they will write me and confirm this.

    Just got room for a quicky - real wonderful seeing so many of you at Manchester first-house. Anybody at the second show who came out and saw a big crowd, well that was us! Manchester becomes another happy memory.

Well we've run out of room, sorry no crossword this month but you can see how it is! and while I think of it, if anyone can let me have local news reports of the shows I shall be obliged.

                        Orbisonly Yours



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