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Binalbagan Catholic College is a Catholic institution founded and aministered by the Columban Fathers in 1957 until 1978 and was later taken over by the Presentation Sisters in 1979. In order to accomodate the higher educational needs og its high school graduates, the College Department was opened in 1961.

By the time, the College Library occupied teh second storey of the first College Building (ST. Columban's Building) until 1970. It was transfered to the first floor of the Kennedy Building in n1971 until 1980, which at present servers as the classrooms and computer laboratories.

In 1980, further developments happened to the College Department with it's increasing number of students. The three storey Sabas Locsin Building was inaugurated. The elementary department first occupied it's ground floor and the second level was used as college classrooms, now Accounting and Speech Laboratories. The College Library occupied the third level of the Sabas Locsin Building.

To accomodate the increasing number of library collections and clienteles, the ground floor of the said building in May 2005 was converted as Ground library to accommodate the Applied Science, the Arts, Literature, Geography and History, and Periodical collections.

On the other hand, the Science and Mathematics Library was established in the second level of the Administration building in February 2000.