Rockville Volunteer Services key role and major impact it has had on my personal growth and in my life.

Marie DiMauro RVS Summer 2015
Rockville Volunteer Services has played a key role and has had a major impact in and on my life. I want to share a page with my readers that highlights our involvement (both mine and my daughter's) in the Rockville Volunteer Services. This is not the official homepage of the Rockville Volunteer Services rather a special page honoring it within my little community spot on the World Wide Web. I have come to know this group of hard working individuals as part of an extended family and every single core member has played a key role in my growth and knowledge of community involvement, values, integrity, leadership, team-work, and respect. When we go out into the community I can feel in the air a kind of
positivity and great energy that is around when we are all working together and when we are socializing; the air is charged!

It is my hope, that with this page, I can move hearts and help to guide others that, like me, have struggled in life to find positivity, greatness, and the goodness in the world as we know it today. I will provide links to those within my community and in the surrounding areas to direct an individual where to go to improve their lives and the lives of their family's as well. It is also my hope to those who are not within my community or surrounding towns to facilitate the desire, with God's help, within their hearts to seek out this kind of positive growth experience within their own community so they too can feel the charged air and GOD's goodness moving in the world today.

 Thank you and welcome to my page honoring the RVS!

 Marie A. DiMauro

Emily Sexton RVS Summer 2015
Town of Vernon Website CLICK HERE

Storm water and Water Quality
Composting and Organics Recycling

Rockville Volunteer Services is an organization located in the Rockville section of Vernon, Connecticut founded by Mr. Ken Kaplan, owner of the New England Motorcycle Museum and other area businesses, on May 13, 2015. Dedicated to service and community RVS goes out every Wednesday night cleaning up the town of graffiti and trash, helping elderly and handicapped homeowners to clean and manicure their property including but not limited to painting, cutting lawns, and general landscaping chores, and by helping to keep the property of blighted buildings and properties in shape to save the value of surrounding neighborhood properties.

 In the school year of 2014-2015 my daughter, Emily, was six and seven years old at the time, respectively. We would walk to her bus stop and along the way there was trash scattered in the road, on the sidewalks, and in the yards that we passed. I was in the midst of teaching my daughter about littering and it's effects on not only the environment but also in the community. It was quite an effort relaying this message to her. Numerous times while we walked, Emily would say to me, "Mommy some day I'm going to clean up this whole town." Dismayed at the fact that I am 'Mommy' to this little girl and didn't have someone in my life to help teach her how to attain her desires, I could only look at her without shattering her hopes and vision and say, "You will? That is a pretty big project for you to take on. Isn't it?" We would continue to the bus and this mother's heart would be troubled.

 When I read an article that included a block party at the New England Motorcycle Museum. The article introduced a man by the name of Ken Kaplan and stated that he owned the museum in which the article was focused. Within the content of this writing was a call to the citizens of Rockville. Mr. Kaplan was founding and sponsoring a group of individuals to help to clean the graffiti in town along with trash that littered it thereof. Mr. Kaplan had a vision of a community from long ago that would help farms to raise a barn in a day. In the article it was called a barn-raising. Boom! A light bulb went off.

 That afternoon, I was anxiously waiting to go and get Emily off the bus! I had great news to share with her! This mommy had a way to provide the means at which her little girl could actually have her vision come into a reality! To this very day, Emily looks forward to Wednesday nights so she can parade proudly wearing her little yellow vest and walk with her special friends who volunteer every week: the team known as the Rockville Volunteer Services.
Connect with RVS on Facebook: CLICK HERE

Click on motorcycle to Shuttle to the:

Left to Right:  Jason Cormier, Joe Tarzi, Harley (in stroller), Lee Ann Frost, Melissa Bostwick, Rena, Emily Sexton, ______ Brent Carl_____; _____;_____; Joey Boutot, Ken Kaplan (front Founder and sponsor),   _____; _____; ______; _____; _____; ______;_____; _____; _____; _____; Tray, Lisa Perry,  _____;  Polly Schaefer, Kerry Reynolds; _____;  Sandy; _____; Allen Edgecomb, Bob Felber; _____; _____: Bonny Wood Carl, Carl-daughter
NOT SHOWN: Marie DiMauro (Taking picture), Tara Trapp, Susan Reudgen, Jennifer Schaefer Holt, Carl Slicer;,

First  Flyer:  Rockville Volunteer Services

Making Headlines 2015
Fund raising Dinner for Ken Kaplan and the New England Motorcycle Museum 2016

Left to right:
Carl Slicer, Mary Anderson, Rosemarie Mezrioui, Youssef Mezrioui, Dimitrious Anderson,  Kwasi Boatkye, Ken Kaplan, Jordan Kaplan, Tayler Kaplan, Jay Petkis, Jason Cormier, Melissa Bostwick, Bob Felber, Debra Petkis, Marie DiMauro, Roger Dupre, Susan   Reudgen, David Riley, Tara Trapp
© Copyright Marcia Nicol 2016 used with permission
Chief's Citation Awarded to Ken for RVS 2016

Left to right:  Debra Petkis, Kerry Reynolds, Tara Trapp, Jason Cormier, Marie DiMauro, Emily Sexton, Lee Ann Frost, Ken Kaplan, Tayler Kaplan,  Melissa Bostwick, BobFelber,Kwasi Boatkye, Roger Dupris

Left to right: Me, Ken Kaplan, Melissa Bostwick, Bob Felber, John Edwards
© Copyright Marcia Nicol 2016 used with permission

Me May 2016 Dinner Honoring Ken

Me and Ken Kaplan 2016
Dinner May

Ken Kaplan at the NEMM on a Chopper

July in the Sky 2015 with Debra Pitkus
Uncle Sam (Brian Flint)  "Come one
Come all.

I call them the FIRST family lol
R-L Tayler Kaplan, Lee Ann Frost,
Ken Kaplan, baby relative, Youngest
Kaplan, and Kenny JR. 2016
Dinner May

Tayler and Ken 2016 Dinner May

Ken and Kwasi Boatkye Cheif's Citation

One of my besties and a right hand man....
Jason Cormier Dinner May 2016

Dinner May 2016 Dimetrius and Jason
Thumbs up dude!

Love this table display at the dinner
May 2016
Our volunteers come from all ages.  Young and old and every where in between.  It was and is an honor to work with all these individuals.  Our volunteers also come from all walks of life.  Poor through rich, single and both parent households, congressmen and congress women, and business owners.  It is with great honor I can share them with you!  Those I have come to love!
Our Oldest Volunteer! What an inspiration

Harley, our youngest volunteer, is putting us adults to shame!! Go Harley!
The children of RVS have been a source of inspiration and adoration.  The RVS works with the High school to give the children another option to satisfy their requirement for community Service.  Here I introduce you to some, not all of RVS's children.  I am so hoping they continue strong in their commitment in volunteering even after their requirements are satisfied.  I know a few children, my child included, who absolutely love Wednesday nights!  I wonder if friendships for a life-time are being created?
One common sight seen in our town
Wednesday nights is Melissa with Harly in tow.  Stroller complete with sound!!

This little man, named Tray, has been an awesome little one to get to know.  He has many gifts and talents.  His smile makes my heart smile as well!

Emily got to where Mr. Ken's hat one night after Cleaning up!

FRONT TO BACK:  Rena, Harley, and Emily Sweeping our side walks clean!

Emily is unmistakable in her special vest Mommy bought special for her.
Making friends the right way!

Rena has one of the biggest snowballs I've ever seen!  Yes!  We shoveled this winter as well.

I think the adults being a great example makes it easier for our kids to feel good about picking up the trash of other people!  At least I'm hoping we are that silent example.

Showing us muscle!

I have to say one huge thing about this young man.  "FUTURE BUSINESSMAN" ....another is he is so impressive taking advice!  

Learning how graffiti is everyone's business and how to fix the problem.

Our kids love to  work on projects and feel like they are making a difference.  Mom is seen here cheering him on!

Emily has a litter stick.  I wish we could get a few of these donated with the claw and not just the poker so it's child-friendly.  Safer for kids to handle trash and the kids loved using it.

At the end of the night it is a complete treat that we get pizza.  I like it when it's donated as it gets expensive.  We have the best time getting to know one another after the work is done.

Emily wanted to get her picture taken on this beautifully done piece of wooden art.  I was so scared to let her on it.  Ken said yes...and Em was happy!

This is Youssef Mezrioui.  I had the pleasure of living next to his family and knowing his big brother as a child.  Now I see how much Youssef has grown and am very proud to know him!  He's doing good for the world!  A very good writer might I add.   Look for his book of poetry coming out!  (HINT YOUSSEF....you need to do a compilation of poetry you write learning about service to community!  I'd buy it!

The challenge....break the limb....the kids...warn out after trying to prove their manliness!  Made me smile!

Dimetrius, one of our newest children volunteers in 2016 is also having a blast picking up litter SAFELY with the claw gadget I love!

KEN KAPLAN:  Founder of Rockville Volunteer Services, and owner of multiple businesses including the New England Motorcycle Museum

Cowboy Ken! 


Erasing graffiti

Ice Master

Never let life get you down

Awesome Ride Dude!

This is how it's done

Ken, on this mower, has reputation!  He gets on it and no one can find him lol.  He's off !  And when he's off he's off!  No wonder he's still winning races!

Even with a broken foot this man did not stop

Erasing "WM"

Ken has a beautiful family.  It's nice to see Lee when she comes out.  Great woman!

This is Ken....Smiling when he's got it going!  Even with the pain!

Ken and Lee....a perfect duo! 

Teamwork!  Getting it done!

Mr Carl Slicer:  The Godfather of Rockville

The gangs all here!  Let's do a video!

Landscaping project!

Shoveling getting it done quick!

Rose!  Beaktime!

Bob Felber an extremely hard worker!

Painting house

Susan and.....trash pickup

Allen Edgecomb another hard worker!

The Bobcat is out!

Pizza Party!  Nice to see exactly how
many has shown!

Harley is expressing her wants clearly!

© 2016 Marie DiMauro  All images and design are the property of Marie A DiMauro unless otherwise noted.
Motorcycle graphic was pulled off of free graphics