I can still remember the first time I rode an airplane. At first, I was so scared because on of the movies that I have watched before is all about a plane crash and I am afraid that it might happen to me too so what I did is to just rely On Allah(s.w.t) but as the airplane flew, I was so amazed at the sight below me, all the building that was so big when near me but was now look like the size of an ant and of course the sight of the beautiful blue ocean. Because of that, my nervousness was all replaced by excitement and happiness.

In the Manila zoo

This was when we were inside the Manila zoo, there are various of animals in there like snakes,turtles, crocodile,ostrich,and elephant and many more.


This was in the Rizal Shrine. when I was a kid, I was wondering how would Rizal-our national hero's home would look like and I saw that it was so wide and humble. So when I saw it, I was so overwhelmed and thankful that I get to see something like that.

This was when we are at Dakak beach, I really enjoyed staying there, I even got to swim in a beach where there is many people. I even got to ride a motor that is for water.( I am not sure what its called)

This was when we were at Fantasyland. We rode many rides like rollercoaster,ferriswheel and many more.


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