Player:     Stephen
Name:       Alric Darkshadow
Race :      Human
Level :     8th
Class :     Wizard (Enchanter - prohibited illusion)
Level :     8th

Strength           15 +2                
Intelligence       20 +5 /24 +7
Wisdom             11 --          
Dexterity          14 +2 /               Base Attack : +4
Constitution       14 +2 /18 +4   
Charisma           12 +1*         
Saves : Fort/Reflex  +2 (+2)       
        Will         +6 (+0)                          

Armor Rating :  19                Hit Points: 44 (60)

Languages - Common, Dwarven, Elven, Draconic, Goblin, Terran

Feats: 1. Spell Focus (Enchantments), 
       1. Improved Init, 
       3. Spell Focus (Transmut.)
       Wizard 5th : Craft Wondrous Item
       6. Craft Wand, 

Spells (Wizard)
 0 lvl (4 + 1 enchantment) : { All but illusion }
                             Daze(ench.)^, Mage Hand ^^, Mend^, 
 1 lvl (6 + 1 enchantment) : Burning Hands^, Magic Missile^^^,
                             Tenser's Floating Disc^, Charm Person(ench.)^^,  
                             Sleep(ench.), Magic weapon, Mage Armor, Shield,
                             Comprehend languages, Hold portal, Identify,
                             Mount, Jump, Ventriloquism, Spider Climb,
                             Nystul's U/A , Nystuls M/A, Alarm

 2 lvl (5 + 1 enchantment ): Scare^, T. Hideous Laughter(ench.)^,
                             Slumber(ench.)^, Rope Trick^, Darkness^, 
                             Monster Summon II, Melf's Acid Arrow, Blindness^,
                             Protection From Arrows, Arcane Lock, Web*,
                             Cat's Grace,
                             (* in dungeons : Web instead of Scare)

 3 lvl (5 + 1 enchantment ): Fireball^^, Hold Person(ench.)^, Lightning Bolt^,
                             Haste^, Suggestion(ench.), Greater Magic Weapon, 
                             Shrink Item, Dispel Magic^, Tongues

 4 lvl (3 + 1 enchantment ): Charm monster (ench)^, Polymorph Self^, Poly Other^
                             Dimension Door^, Otiluke's Res Sphere, Lesser Geas, 

 ^ Indicates those normally memorized

   Slumber is a 2nd level version of Sleep - It affects 2d4+2 HD but has 
   no other differences (it is Alric's own researched spell)

Skills : 88 + 22         (unused : 2 + 22 ) 
Spellcraft          11                         Cross Class Skills 
Knowledge - Planes  11                         Open Lock        2 = 1
Concentration       11                         Tumble           2 = 1
Knowledge - Arcana  11                         Handle An.       2 = 1
                                               Climb            2 = 1
Knowledge - Archit. 1                          Disable Dev.     2 = 1
Knowledge - Nature  4                          Swim             2 = 1
Alchemy             5                          Language/Terran  2 = 1
Craft - Leatherwork 1                          Spot            10 = 5
Craft - Weaponsmith 1                                         ____
Craft - Bowyer      1                                          24
Scry                5  

 Item Description        Location      Charges    (sp)   Qty.  Weight  Weight 

Outfit, traveler                                          1     0.0     0.0 
Mithral Unicorn Medallion                                 1     0.2     0.2    
Continual Flame Medallion                                 -      -       -
Ring of Chameleon                                         -     0.1     0.1     	
Ring of +2 Protection                                     -     0.1     0.1	
Headband of Intellect +4                                  -     0.1     0.1
Amulet of Health +4                                       -     0.1     0.1
Bracers of Armor +4                                       -     0.1     0.1
Gloves                                                    - 
Cloak                                                     - 
Boots                                                     -
Belt                                                      -                
 Dagger +1 longtooth                                      1     2.0     2.0 
 Pouch, belt - component                                  1     2.0     2.0    
 Pouch, belt (misc. gear)                                 1     0.5     0.5      
  *Vial, Healing (1d8+1)                                  1     0.1     0.1     5.3
  Linen Pouch                                             1      -       -
   Silk hankerchief                                       1      -       -
   Dice, wood                                             2      -       - 
   Chalk, 1 stick white                                   1     0.1     0.1 
   Flint & steel                                          1     0.1     0.1
   Razor                                                  1     0.1     0.1 
   Candle, tallow 5 ft. radius, 1 hour burn               1     0.1     0.1 
   Sling                                                  1     0.1     0.1     0.5   5.8

Pack Hewards Handy Halverack                              1     5.0     5.0     5.0   5.0


Gear Within Halversack :                                                    
 Tin - large/double                                       1     0.5     0.5
   Spellbook                                      5000.0  1     3.0     3.0
   Journal, Adventure Notes, Poetry & Will                1     1.0     1.0
 Clipboard  - Maps and Scrolls                            1     1.0     1.0     7.5
 Tin of Potions                                           1      -       -
  Vial, turquoise Vision (+10 to search & spot)           1     0.1     0.1     0.1
 Rope, silk, per ft.                                      20    0.1     2.0     2.0
 Linen Pouch                                              1      -       - 
  linen hankerchief                                       1      -       -
  Flint & steel                                           1     0.1     0.1
  Razor                                                   1     0.1     0.1 
  Candle, tallow 5 ft. radius, 1 hour burn                1     0.1     0.1 
  Sling                                                   1     0.1     0.1     0.4  	
 Bedroll (with Magic Quilt*)                              1     5.0     5.0     5.0   15.0
 Cash/Loot  -  { Note: 50 coins = 1 lb  }
  In Pack { Note: in linen pouches, 25 coins each }                        
    Platinum    (worth 10 gp each)                       91     0.02    2.0
    Gold                                                 10     0.02    0.2 

  Carried In Pockets/Coin Pouch  (standardly carried)
    Gold                                                 20	0.02    0.4 
    Silver                                               20	0.02    0.4
    Copper                                               10	0.02    -

  Wand of True Strike (40)                                1     1.0     1.0
  Wand of Shield (40)                                     1     1.0     1.0
  Wand of Sleep (40)                                      1     1.0     1.0
  Wand of Mage Armor (40)                                 1     1.0     1.0
  Wand of Knock (31)                                      1     1.0     1.0
  Wand of Summon Monster II (41)                          1     1.0     1.0
  Wand of Lightning (4)                                   1     1.0     1.0    
  Jar of Visions (1/week)                                 1     1.0     1.0

  Goggles of Minute Seeing         - tradebait            1	     -       -
  Dust of Dryness (3)                                     3          -       - 
SCROLLS :  At First Level: B Hands( 9 ), Sleep( 9 ), Color Spray( 9 ),
           Fl Disk( 9 ), True Strike( 7 ), Mount( 9 ), Jump( 2 ), 
           N. M/A( 2 ), N. U/A( 2 ), Hold Portal( 2 ), Identify( 2 ), 
           M. Weapon( 2 ),  
Trade bait:   Shield(9), Mage Armor(9), Charm Person(9), Magic Weapon(9)

_________________< Disposables >_____________________________________________________ 
Club                                                      1     3.0     3.0 
Weapon Belt                                               1     0.5     0.5  
 Brace of 6 throwing daggers                              6     1.0     6.0			
 Pouch                                                    1     0.5     0.5
  Vials Acid                                              4     0.1     0.4     10.4
Shoulder Bag                                              1     2.0     2.0 
 Torches                                                  2     1.0     2.0
 Twine, hemp, per foot                                    125   0.0     0.6 
 Flask, ceramic 1 pint capacity - empty *                 2     0.3     0.6 
 Ration tin                                               1     0.5     0.5 
  Rations, trail, per day                                 1     1.0     1.0 
 Healing Kit                                              1     1.0     1.0
 Sack                                                     1     0.5     0.5 
 Waterskin                                                1     4.0     4.0 
 Thieves' Tools MW                                        1     2.0     2.0 
 Oil, flask                                               2     1.0     2.0 
                                                                                16.2    26.6
                                                                                ______ ______ 
Total Personal Encumbrance -                                                            65.8

CASH LOOT :    500 gp
Trade Bait/Other/Stashed : 

 Wand, glass "heal" (3rd level) : 0 chgs (300 gp val)     1     0.5     0.5 
 Tablet, ceramic mage armor                               1     0.5     0.5
 +1 Nunchuks                      - tradebait             1	    2.0     2.0
 +2 Shield                        - tradebait             2	    7.0     7.0  

 Bowyer tools                               Leather working tools
 Spellbook (Bugbear's) : magic weapon, enlarge, alarm, comprehend lang, 
		     hold portal, identify, jump, reduce, nystals magic aura, 
		     nystuls undetectable aura, magic missile
 Silverware from the 'Cottage' (80gp val)   Owlbear claws - 2 owlbears 
 Fire beetle glands                         Vial, glass grey ooze matter  
 Carved wooden owl                          Tent and Cot
 Cold weather clothing  


New Magic Item: 
Quilt of Comfort - must be kept in personal possession for 
1 week to work.  If out of personal possession for more than 1 hour, it
becomes inactive again.  It acts as a half strength ring of sustenance with 
regard to sleep (4 hours equalling 8), and negates 1 point of cold damage 
per round wrapped within it (it's a warm blankie).  It dries unnaturally 
fast and is very sturdy while seeming soft (if a bit ratty in some versions).


History Alric is the son of a Wizard, who started his career as a sorceror. He quickly realized the error of his ways, and took up wizardry like his father. He has during his stint of adventuring died, albeit stayed only dead for a few minutes, but upon reviving sacrificed his level of sorceror altogether. Though he prefers gothic dress he is good. He professes to be Neutral good but his friends never agree - chiding him on his lawfulness. He is a meticulous record keeper and mapper, and excessively prone to charity. He does, however, have a habit of dissecting exotic kills out of scientific curiosity, something his friends find disturbing.

Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3 Journal 4



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