Action Jackson
Carl plays Jehrico "Action" Jackson (wonder where the title came from, huh?), a Detroit cop on the edge of the law. The vilan is a devious looking Craig T Nelson (yes, Coach is apperently evil, suspend your disbelief).
Sharon Stone shows up as Craig's (e)strange(d) wife. There's a plot to kill a union leader and for some reason, only Jackson can stop them.
The scene begins when Carl goes into the abandoned factory with a girl that he's "protecting" as a witness. Of coure, Coach shows up with a whole army of thugs and a helicopter. While Carl is busy kicking ass, he suddenly hears his witness scream "JACKSON!"  He goes running down the stairs and gets grabbed by Coach's army.

The next time we see Carl, he's no longer wearing the orange shirt that he had on. His wrists are chained so that his biceps flexes nicely and he's pissed off.
The Story ...
The Capture ...
The Rating
Carl's shirtless, sweaty and chained up. He gives some good reactions to Coach's instigating (like the well-timed flex above when you hear the chains snap tight).
They tell him that they plan on killing him and light up a blow-torch to singe Carl to death to mimic a car accidnent.
There's also some pretty good verbal abuse leveled at Carl.
The pluses ...
The minuses ...
Well, this had a good start. But, they don't do anything to Carl other than threaten him. Just when things are about to get interesting, some fat guy with a paint-gun falls from the sky to "save the day."
Carl's one liners like "one of these days, you're gonna really piss me off" seem way over the top. At no point does Carl show anything less than bravado. And when he finally winces in anticipation of the hurt about to be put on him, the aforementioned fat-guy falls out of the sky.
Overall Rating: A disappointing 9
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