Laurie Strode: Innocence vs. Evil

    Every Halloween fan knows about the life and times of Laurie Strode/Keri Tate and he battles against her evil brother Michael Myers.  Throughout her battles against Michael, Laurie escaped death many, many....and many times.

    Our story begins in 1978, Laurie is a 17 year old school girl at Haddonfield High.  She is a studious, hard-working bookworm who is focused on her studies and is inexperienced in many social situations.  Her hobbies include babysitting for cash, saving money, studying and twirling her hair.  But Laurie is a well-liked, respected individual who has a least received a second look from some of her male counterparts at Haddonfield High.

    However, we can surmise that Laurie became friends with Lynda and Annie as a child.  Both girls still remained close friends with Laurie even though their focus was on partying, drinking and boys.

    On October 30, 1978 Michael Myers escaped from the Warren County Sanitarium.  He immediately heads to Haddonfield to search for his beloved sister.  He waits patiently at his former home and on the morning of October 31 as Laurie Strode drops off a key for the Myers home.  Michael follows Laurie to school and on her walk home afterwards.  Michael is such a confident stalker that he even leers at Lynda, Annie and Laurie as he drives by!!  Meanwhile, Laurie is excited because Annie is babysitting at the Wallace house directly across the street from the Doyle house.  (Laurie is babysitting at the Doyle house on October 31, 1978.)

    Myers murders Annie and Lynda while he waits for his prize prey.  Finally, brother and sister meet at the top of the stairs in the Wallace house.  Michael stabs Laurie and the force of his strike sends Laurie tumbling down the stairwell cracking a bone in her ankle.  Frightened she limps barely escapes Michael's grasp in the Wallace kitchen.  She runs outside screaming for help but the locals think it is just another Halloween prank.  She runs to the Doyle house and again barely escapes Michaels grasp several more times.  Finally she manages to stab him several times she mistakenly thinks that Michael is dead.  But Michael attacks her again and is about to finish her off when Dr. Sam Loomis (Michaels psychologist) shoots Michael six (seven) times.

    Laurie is saved for the time being and is rushed to the hospital with her wounds.  Michael pursues her there and after disposing of the hospital staff, he almost kill Laurie several times.  We find out that Laurie is a expert marksmen as she blows Michael's eyes out without nicking his infamous white mask!!!!  Again Dr. Loomis is there to save the day and he sacrifices his own life by blowing himself and Myers up.

    Twenty years past and Laurie distraught by the events of October 31, 1978 fakes her own death and flees to California.  There she becomes a head mistress of a private school but Michael is still alive and he finds out where she is after breaking into the late Dr. Loomis home.  Therefore, on October 31, 1998 Michael shows up in Laurie's life and almost manages to kill her own son.  But in the end, after a heated battle Laurie decapitates her brother in the hopes of ending is reign forever.  Is he dead??? We will find out in Halloween 8.

    Laurie Strode is played by actress Jamie Lee Curtis who is best remembered for her roles in Halloween (of course), is the daughter of film stars Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, Jamie Lee Curtis launched her film career as a "scream queen." After a nondescript supporting role on the TV series Operation Petticoat, Curtis rose to cult stardom playing the straightlaced teenage baby sitter imperiled by an unknown slasher in Halloween (1978). Upon appearing in the film's sequel and in such spookers as The Fog (1979) and Prom Night (1980), she seemed in danger of being limited to blood-splattered horror films. But Curtis wasn't about to be typed this early in the game: with a meaty secondary role as a prostitute -- featuring several well-publicized nude scenes -- in the big-budget comedy Trading Places (1983), she made the transition from imperiled teen type to knowing adult with nary a hitch. She is married to actor Christopher Guest since 1984, Curtis became a Baroness, Lady Haden-Guest, when her husband inherited the Barony in 1996

Extra Laurie Photos

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