Imbolgc Ritual 2000

© 2000 by Mareth SummerWind, except the Elemental Meditations,
which may carry a copyright of their own.



Earth Meditation:

There is a part of me

that is rooted firmly in the earth.

It is to this grounded, solid me,

that I now deeply bow. For without this,

there could be no expansion

No life-giving nourishment

coursing to my tender new leaves,

No strong stem to reach toward the sun.

The earth is my home,

And I am blessed.


Air Meditation:

The earth, long my home

through the dark of winter

has yielded to the morning breath of air.

Now She urges me to breathe,

to expand, to meet my destiny.

Why am I here?

For what have I returned this time?

And the air breathes its laughing answer past me.

"You are life.

You are the all in the process of becoming One.

Experience yourself."


Fire Meditation:

As the force of new life wells up in me,

I hear the far call

Of my ancient spiritual father, the sun

This is a time for reaching upward.

A time for growing toward the sky

As I still draw nourishment

from my mother, the earth.

I am the link:

I am the channel

Between the sun and the earth,

I am life.


Water Meditation:

About me flow the waters of nourishment;

Within me flow the waters of nourishment.

My blood-steam is aglow with the impulse of life

As I challenge the dark places in my being,

As I expand beyond the security of the womb,

As I move past my own definitions.

And surrounding this, engulfing me,

Is the heavenly ocean of Love and Light

From whence I truly came.

"Brigid, beloved Maiden, I welcome You back after the long, cold winter nights. Awaken the sleeping Earth with Your fire. Bless all the Earth’s creatures with fertility of mind, spirit, and body as Spring approaches."

"Lugh, shining Sun, I celebrate Your strengthening presence as the nights grow shorter. Warm the Earth with your bright rays so that which has lain asleep since the last harvest may be prepared to awaken as Spring approaches."

"As the Wheel turns and fertility returns to the land, I am rejuvenated."

"As the Sun’s rays strengthen and the days lengthen, may the cold fade and fertility be again upon the Earth. I ask this for the good of all with harm to none. So Mote It Be!"

"Although Spring is surely on its way, harsh weather may yet lie ahead. I bless this food that it may nourish my wild friends in the weeks to come."




(1) The recipe for this incense--except for the addition of vervain, which is my own personal touch--came from Sarolta DeFaltay-Bell's "Planetary Ritual for Candlemas/Imbolgc" from her book The Magical Astrology Guide for the Year 2000, ©1999.

(2) These meditations were adapted by Riyana from The Essene Book of Meditations and Blessings by Danaan Parry. I found them published at a website called Kore's Garden, which seems to have disappeared into the ether.




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