Thyroid: Hashimoto's thyroiditis





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A 42 yr old female.  Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism, 2.5cm lesion detected and surgically removed.  Asymmetric thyroid gland enlargement.  Paler-than-normal tissue.


1.    Why is this section abnormal?  Describe the abnormal histological features.


The gland is diffusely enlarged

Thyroid follicles are infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasma cells

Presence of remnant follicles with not much colloid within them

Lymphoid follicles with germinal centres may be seen.

Thyroid follicles are lined on many areas by epithelial cells with abundant eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm, termed Hurthle cells



2.    T/F.  The histological hallmark of this disease is:


       Inflammation T

       Hyperplasia F

       Neoplasia F

       None of the above F

       Some are associated with SLE T

       The nodule identified (containing lymphoid follicle) could be developing lymphoma T

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