Stomach: adenocarcinoma





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A 66 yr old man went to his GP for his bi-annual health check.  He complained of a feeling of discomfort and mild epigastric pain after occasional nauseous feeling in the last month.  He has lost 7 kg over 2 months.  An endoscopic examination was carried out with multiple gastric biopsies, following which a gasterectomy was performed.



1.    Why is this section abnormal?  Describe abnormal histological features.


      There is loss of normal tubular glandular structure of the stomach mucosa with neoplastic epithelial cells invading the underlying lamina propria.




2.    True/False

These are factors that predispose to this condition:


A diet rich in beta-carotene F

H. pylori T

S. aureus F


Diet rich in smoked and salted food T

Intestinal metaplasia T

Gastric atrophy T

Menetrier�s disease F

Women with blood group O F

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