I was very sad to get the call that Chris had past away on April 7th 2001. 
Christy passed away from Cystic Fibrosis.  First I wasn't sure if I was going to attend her funeral or not.  I didn't know if I was going to be able to "handle" seeing Christy and her not talking to me, or hearing the "giggle" that I always loved to hear come from her  voice.  It wasn't going to be
"I missed you so much, and it's great to see you." It was going to be me seeing Chris one last and final time on earth.  I did go to the funeral and I'm glad I did.  She took a huge part of me with her.  I hear our song and I just remember the last time we were together. 

Christy White 2000
Since she past away it's been hard at times.  Sometimes I just stay up late and look through pictures and look at my phone and wish I could pick it up and dial her number and hear her voice.  I wish the phone would ring and it would be Christy.  At times I read all of her letters that she sent to me.  This is my  advice to anyone that has a special friend or even a girlfriend.  Please keep in constant contact with them and visit  them a lot and just love them.  Hold them when they need to be held, and form a bond with them like Chris and I did.  I know most people don't keep in contact like Christy and I did, especially when you live a little over an hour away from them.  It amazes me that we kept in good contact. 

I know if Chris could see this page she'd blush and a tear would drop from  her eye.  19 was just too young to die, but she now gets to laugh and tease me in heaven and she better be glad I can't get a hold of her, or I'd tickle her like crazy just to hear her "giggle" and see the smile on her face once again.
Christy White 2000
Christy White

Song Playing: "Not Enough" by Van Halen
Christy White 2000
About This Song:
This was one of Christy's favorite songs by Jim Brickman featuring Martina McBride 'Valentine'.  Christy met Jim and got his autograph.  I wish I was  there to see the smile on her tender loving face.

When Christy passed away I felt a lot of guilt.   Ok, a TON of guilt.  I didn't see Christy that much from the first time we met until 2000,  because my parents didn't feel like driving me to see her. When I did get my license and a car, I bought an 88' Plymouth and there was NO WAY it was going to get from where I lived to Flint safely.  Then a year later I bought a 91' Toyota Tercel, and yet again, that wouldn't have made it to Flint.  When I turned 21, I bought a good car that would be able to make the long haul.  I bought a 99' Chevy Prizm.  So I feel very guilty about not seeing Christy more often.  I think if I saw her more then maybe things would have been different and I wouldn't have to be making this type of dedication page to her.  The guilt will always be there and the thoughts will never go away.  Never.

The letters, phone calls, e-mails they STILL weren't enough.  I never lied to her about how come I couldn't come over.  I always told her the reasons why, but.... I think she just thought I was making it all up.  I told her I would do everything in my power to try and see her for her 18th birthday.  I was left at home crying because I had once again let Christy down.  March 2000 was suppose to be a new begining and build up on our friendship and get to know each other a lot better.  Little did I know, a week later she moved to Georgia to be with her ex-boyfriend (got back together) and things really changed from there.

It's never not enough if you don't make it enough.  If you make it enough, like I always tried to do, but it never happend.

Maybe some day in my dreams I'll be able to tell her I'm sorry.

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