Mission Statement for Howto do things in Linux

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Table of Contents for
Howto do things in Linux

The Howto has been completed. I am leaving this page here for reference.

One of the most common question a newbie to Linux asks is "How do I do <INSERT TASK HERE> in GNU/Linux?" This howto aims to help users to get acquainted with the tools available and have them up and running on their own. Instead of giving a list of programs you can run, this howto focuses on tasks that you can do and how to get them done in Linux.

The following are the topics which I hope to cover in my howto

Each of these topics will have the following sub sections

The topics which have been written have been striked out.


If you think you can write on any of the topics above let me know. If you think you can write better on topics that have been already written about, jump in! Got a suggestion on how to make this better, that is even better. Send it in, you will get a sympathetic hearing. Virtual beer (praises for the authors) is also welcome.

I have made a mailing list for this project.If you want to actively participate on this howto you may also consider joining the mailing list.Please mail me if you want to join and I will mail you instructions on how to join the list.

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