
Swamp planet

A distant, mist-shrouded swamp planet, Dagobah does not appear in any modern starcharts. It is a forgotten world, and it was the home of the last remaining Jedi Master and Council member from the waning days of the Republic.

Desert planet

A place where smugglers, gangsters, and pirates hang out. This is one of the worlds owned by the Hutts. Podracing tournaments used to be held here. Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker were born and raised here.

Snow planet

Hoth was one of the Rebel Alliance's Head Quarters. But most of it was destroyed when the Imperials attack in movie "Empire strikes back."Hoth is the coldest planet known in Star Wars. At night it gets as cold as -200 some degrees celsius.

Jungle planet
Yavin 4

Yavin 4 was one of the Rebel Alliance's Head Quarters till the Empire found out about it. Now-a-days Jedi Master Luke Skywalker uses one of the temples as a Jedi Academy where he teaches Force Sensitive users the way of the force so they can one day become a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master.

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